Woman Drops Powder in Date's Drink

If you saw a woman apparently drug her date's drink, what would you do?

Dec. 10, 2010 — -- In a remarkable "What Would You Do?" segment from two years ago, we watched two actors portray a couple on a first date at a picturesque restaurant along the New Jersey shore.

Things quickly took a turn for the worse as our actor, Jeremy, revealed he had more than just lunch and cocktails in mind. As the day progressed, Jeremy slipped pill after pill into our actress's drink and the reactions we witnessed were unforgettable -- everything from people who simply walked out of the restaurant without warning the girl to a heroic man who could not help himself from exclaiming, "I seen what I seen!" despite his wife's protests and embarrassment.

Recently, we decided to turn the tables on our scenario.

This time, we take our hidden cameras to a popular sports bar in Hoboken, N.J., called Texas Arizona. We wonder, what will happen if anyone sees a seemingly harmless young woman drop a mysterious powder into her date's drink?

Jeremy, who played our predator two years ago, this time plays the victim -- a big spender out to impress his date. He's a Wall Street guy, boasting about his boat docked on the Hudson, his getaway in Hawaii and his season's tickets to the Giants. Aubrey, despite her sweet appearance, plays our predator -- only in this scenario her intentions are focused solely on Jeremy's wallet rather than on maneuvering him into the bedroom.

The hidden cameras are rolling as four guys enter the bar for drinks and a quick lunch. We send our couple in to cozy up and order drinks right next to them, while talking about their plans for a boat ride around Manhattan later in the day. Jeremy makes an attempt at forming an early bond with the guys. "She's got me drinking before noon -- but I guess its noon somewhere!" he tells them.

Now that our couple has gotten the bar mates' attention, we ask Jeremy to excuse himself -- a perfect opportunity to test the strength of their new camaraderie. As some of the men watch our actress empty powder into Jeremy's drink, they seem to ignore what they see.

'It Doesn't Taste Right'

When Jeremy returns and polishes off his drink, he begins to show signs of fatigue, and even tells the bartender, "I think there's some soap or something in this glass. It doesn't taste right."

We tell his villainous date, Aubrey, to leave as he continues to display symptoms of illness, but the men remain silent.

Is there really a chance that none of them noticed? When Aubrey returns Jeremy is in bad shape and needs to leave the bar. Aubrey offers her shoulder and helps walk her date out the door.

The men watch but don't say anything. As our bartender, Pearl (also an actress), draws in closer to them, she learns they find the whole situation is funny.

"She definitely put something in there" says one guy, to another who hadn't seen the drink getting spiked. "Who sits there and stirs a stranger's drink?!"

"'We're going on a boat,'" one says, imitating Jeremy. "Now he's going to the emergency ward."

The guys at the bar laugh as they mock Jeremy's plight.

"Oh, that's great; I can't wait to read the paper tomorrow," one says.

It's not surprising that they don't want to be interviewed on camera once we've informed them that this was all a scenario for "What Would You Do?"

All we get from them is a simple "No comment."

Soon, we're rolling again with two new men situated by our actors at the bar. A similar situation plays out, and once again Jeremy is almost carried out of the bar by his devious date.

But while one man shows visible concern for our actor, he seems hesitant to intervene without having clearly seen the drug emptied into the glass.

"I didn't actually see that, her do that. But, I mean, I saw him get totally sick right there," he says.

"We failed," he later adds. "We failed humanity."

Watch the scenario unfold on "What Would You Do?" tonight at 9 p.m. ET.