Milk Bar pastry chef shares easy strawberry shortcake recipe

Try this sweet recipe at home with the recipe below!

April 17, 2020, 8:42 AM

Milk Bar founder and famed pastry chef Christina Tosi shared the perfect seasonal sweet treat -- strawberry shortcakes.

Pastry chef and Milk Bar founder holds up a slice of strawberry cake and her homemade strawberry shortcakes.
ABC News

Tosi joined "GMA" on Friday from her home kitchen to whip up a batch of the flaky biscuits and macerated strawberries that combine to make a decadent fruity dessert.

Check out her full recipe below and make this recipe at home.

Strawberry Shortcakes

Strawberry shortcakes from Milk Bar with a large dollop of whipped cream and macerated strawberries.
Milk Bar

Makes: 6, 3-inch cakes

8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter
1 cup flour1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk
1 cup powdered sugar
2 cups strawberries (if using frozen, let them thaw completely at room temp and towel out any moisture)
2 tablespoons sugar
For Serving:
1 recipe strawberries (recipe follows)
Whipped cream, ice cream, sour cream— anything sweet & creamy, if you please!

Set your oven to 350 degrees and spray your baking sheet.

Make the shortcakes: Add the butter to the dry ingredients in a large bowl and pinch with your fingers, working until you no longer see chunks of butter, about 60 seconds.

Once you have the pinched, shaggy mixture, crack the egg into the bowl and the milk. Fork the mixture until incorporated, about 30 seconds.

Let the dough rest for a few minutes then scoop dough into three tablespoon-sized balls.

Pour the powdered sugar in another bowl and roll each shortcake through the sugar to coat. Transfer the dough balls to the baking sheet 2 inches apart from one another.

Bake the shortcakes for 13 minutes at 350°F, until golden brown at the edges.

While the shortcakes bake (or while the dough is resting!), make the macerated strawberries.

Cut off the tops of the strawberries with a butter knife and then slice up!

Gently toss the strawberries with the sugar; the sugar will draw out the juices from the strawberries, making for a delicious, liquidy treat.

Serve warm or room temperature with a spoonful of strawberries (including the juices!) and a dollop of whipped cream, ice cream, really anything sweet and creamy! These shorties are best served the day they are made.

Christina's Tips:
The butter should be COLD for this recipe - but not frozen.
Using a fork allows you to combine the ingredients without overmixing the dough - you want this to be fluffy not tough.
Rolling them in powdered sugar will give you a nice sweetness on the outside, and nice crackly look once baked
If using frozen strawberries, thaw completely at room temp and towel out any moisture before tossing with sugar.
If you only have other fruit on hand, no problem! Any berry will do — if you have blueberries or raspberries, or blackberries, feel free to get creative!

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