EXCERPT: 'Making Our Democracy Work'
Read an excerpt from the book by a 16-year-veteran of the U.S. high court.
Sept. 14, 2010— -- In "Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View," U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer shares insights gained from his 16 years on the nation's highest court.
Breyer tackles such questions as whether the public considers Supreme Court decisions legitimate, and the best way to apply the Constitution to today's complicated world.
Read an excerpt from the book below, and head to the "GMA" Library to find more good reads.
The Supreme Court's Role in Preserving a Nation
Day after day I see Americans -- of every race, religion,nationality, and point of view -- trying to resolve their differencesin the courtroom. It has not always been so. In earlier times, both hereand abroad, individuals and communities settled their differences notin courtrooms under law but on the streets with violence. We Americans treasure the customs and institutions that have helped us find the better way. And we not only hope but also believe that in the future wewill continue to resolve disputes under law, just as surely as we will continueto hold elections for president and Congress. Our beliefs reflectthe strength of our Constitution and the institutions it has created.
The Constitution's form and language have helped it endure. Thedocument is short -- seven articles and 27 amendments. Itfocuses primarily on our government's structure. Its provisions form asimple coherent whole, permitting readers without technical knowledgeto understand the document and the government it creates. And ittraces the government's authority directly to a single source of legitimizingpower -- "We the People."
Words on paper, however, no matter how wise, are not sufficient topreserve a nation. Benjamin Franklin made this point when, in 1787, hetold a Philadelphia questioner that the Constitutional Convention hadcreated "a republic, Madam, if you can keep it." The separate institutionsthat the Constitution fashioned -- Congress, the executive, thejudiciary -- were intended to bring about a form of government thatwould guarantee that democracy and liberty are not empty promises.But what would enable the Constitution to work not only in theory butalso in practice? How could the nation make sure that the Constituxition's limits are respected, that our citizens enjoy its important protections,that our legal system resolves disputes fairly and impartially, and that our courts dispense justice?