'Jesus Camp' Pastor Says She Does Not Manipulate Children

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 28, 2006, 8:07 AM

Sept. 28, 2006 — -- Pastor Becky Fischer, director of an evangelical Christian summer camp featured in the controversial documentary "Jesus Camp," told "Good Morning America" that she did not manipulate children's emotions.

"I do not use guilt. I do not use shame or manipulation in those ways," Fischer said. "This is a very intense moment. These children are passionate about their faith in Jesus Christ. Most people don't really have much emotion going on in their religion at all."

"Jesus Camp" chronicles Kids on Fire, a summer getaway for evangelical Christians nestled in Devil's Lake, N.D.

In the film, young children are often shown weeping over abortion, speaking in tongues, and overwhelmed with emotion, sobbing for their sins.

But "Air America" radio host Mike Papantonio disagrees with the tactics used at the camp.

"I think when you look at what occurs in the camp, there is a use of guilt. There is a use of shame," Papantonio said. "That is not directed all at Becky. I mean, what is a 5-year-old capable in ways of sin? Maybe stealing an Oreo from a cookie jar."

Papantonio asked Fischer why children needed to be so emotional at such a young age.

"One repetitive theme is a child crying, a child laying out on the ground and crying. Well, what are they crying about?" he asked. "Why does a 5-year-old feel like it is necessary to cry about their spirituality?"

Even though no one is getting hurt, Papantonio believes kids should not be indoctrinated at such a young age.

"Again, this is not directed at Becky, but you have a movement that is part of the evangelical movement. It is not the entirety of the evangelical movement," he said.

"At the core of the religion is, they believe, and all religions believe, that when we do good work, the grace of God is invited to work. The same is true in the way we deal with our children. We don't have to shame them. We don't have to make them feel guilty."

In the film, Fischer seems to compare the Christian movement to war.