Sisters who gave birth 20 minutes apart celebrate their daughters' 1st birthday

Corey Talbott and Katie Morgan gave birth 20 minutes apart in 2016.

ByABC News
August 14, 2017, 4:57 PM

— -- Two sisters who gave birth to daughters only 20 minutes apart last year are now marking their baby girls' first birthdays with an epic photo shoot.

Corey Struve Talbott and Katie Struve Morgan found out they were both expecting their second and third child, respectively, around the holidays in 2015.

After Talbott, 32, discovered she was expecting, she immediately told her younger sister.

Sisters Corey Struve Talbott and Katie Struve Morgan, who gave birth Aug. 10, 2016 only 20 minutes apart, celebrate their daughters turning 1 years old.
So Cute Photo Monterey Materntiy Photography

"My sister [Katie] was like, 'I have to tell you something too. I'm pregnant too and I haven't been telling anyone for two weeks to surprise everyone on Christmas morning," Talbott told ABC News. "I almost passed out because I couldn't believe it."

The sisters eventually went on to give birth to Ryatt Raegan Talbott and Indie Mae Morgan, in the exact same hospital on the exact same day: Aug. 10, 2016.

Sisters Corey Struve Talbott and Katie Struve Morgan, who gave birth Aug. 10, 2016 only 20 minutes apart, celebrate their daughters turning 1 years old.
So Cute Photo Monterey Materntiy Photography

"It was really surreal," Morgan, 30, told ABC News. "Corey was on her way to [take] photos for me [at the hospital] and I hadn’t seen her and I’m like, 'Where is she?' And she comes in fully gowned with her IV and she’s like, 'I’m sorry, I have to have Ryatt! She’s coming!'"

Since then, the Struve sisters, who live five minutes apart in Salinas, California, have enjoyed raising their daughters together. They even recently celebrated their daughters turning 1 by staging a photo shoot with photographer Brenden Boggs.

"It's pretty funny how close they are," Talbott said. "They're almost twins."

Katie Struve Morgan's 1-year-old daughter Indie Mae with her sister Corey Struve Talbott's 1-year-old daughter, Ryatt Raegan.
So Cute Photo Monterey Materntiy Photography

Morgan agreed, adding that their "twins" have "opposite personalities."

"My sister is more like the leader or outspoken one and I'm the quiet, mellow one and our babies are the complete opposite," Morgan said. "[My daughter Indie is] very loud and takes charge and her daughter [Ryatt] is very quiet and soft and goes with the flow."

"It's been so much fun," she added.