Quotes of the Week: 'Rot in Hell, Holmes.'
Quotes from the top stories this past week.
Jan. 12, 2013— -- intro: Emotions and outrage were high this week after alleged Aurora, Colo., theater shooter James Holmes appeared in court and prosecutors laid out their case.
In Arizona, jurors heard more evidence in the Jodi Arias murder trial, including a denial from the defendant.
And the nation remained on high alert, after flu cases were confirmed in 47 states.
Click through for a recap of the top stories this week.
quicklist: 1title: 'Rot in Hell, Holmes!"text: The father of a young woman allegedly slain by James Holmes in the Aurora movie theater massacre yelled "Rot in hell, Holmes" during a court hearing Friday.
The outburst by Steve Hernandez prompted judge William Sylvester to have an off-the-record conference with prosecutors and defense attorneys. Sylvester then reconvened court to address the issue while armed court deputies watched over Hernandez at the front of the gallery.
Hernandez's daughter, Rebecca Wingo, was one of the 12 people killed when Holmes allegedly opened fire in the crowded movie theater July 20 during the midnight showing of "Dark Knight Rises." Wingo, 32, was the mother of two young girls.
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quicklist: 2title: 'I Can't Imagine Slitting Anyone's Throat.'text: The jury in the Jodi Arias murder trial watched a television interview Thursday in which Arias said "no jury will convict me" of killing her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.
Arias added that she could never imagine committing such a violent act as killing Alexander.
"I understand all the evidence is really compelling," she said in the interview. "In a nutshell, two people came in and killed Travis. I've never even shot a gun. That's heinous. I can't imagine slitting anyone's throat."
She went on to tell the interviewer, "No jury will convict me and you can mark my words on that. ... I am innocent."
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quicklist: 3title: "I Believe We Should Put Police Officers in School, in Uniform, Armed.'text: One of the country's largest counties began sending armed guards to their schools beginning Monday as students headed back to class after the holiday break.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona's Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and Tempe, sent a group of armed volunteers, known as his "volunteer posse," to patrol area schools.
He had previously used the group to help bolster security at area malls during the heavy holiday shopping season, and to scope out undocumented immigrants living in the county.
More than 500 volunteers will help to patrol the county's 52 schools, along with members of the sheriff's Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT, team when they are not performing their regular duties, along with police dog units, Arpaio said.
The volunteers will receive 100 hours of training and drive marked vehicles. In some cases, they will be armed with automatic weapons, he said.
"I believe we should put police officers in school, in uniform, armed," Arpaio said.
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quicklist: 4title: 'We Are Experiencing a Reduced Amount of Shots.'text: The heightened demand for the flu vaccine has caused some providers to run out of doses, however officials said today there are still plenty to go around and are encouraging people to call ahead before driving to a local clinic to get immunized.
National drug store chain Rite Aid is moving some of its supplies around to make sure each of their locations remain stocked, spokeswoman Ashley Flower said.
"In select areas, just like everybody else, we are experiencing a reduced amount of shots," Flower told ABC News Radio. "We would certainly advise our customers to call their local Rite Aid before coming in to see what the status of the vaccine is at their location."
A new supply of the flu vaccine is expected to arrive in stores early next week, Flower said.
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quicklist: 5title: 'You've Got to Be Kidding Me!'text: Velma Kellen thought her furnace was broken, and got the shock of her life when a repairman told her a squatter had been living under her house and stealing her heat.
"I said, 'You've got to be kidding me,'" Kellen, 73, told ABCNews.com.
For months, there were mysterious signs -- an unlatched gate and the inexplicable odor of smoke inside Kellen's three-bedroom home in Yelm, Wash., about an hour's drive south of Seattle.
"It was worse than cigarettes," Kellen said.
Kellen, a retired caregiver, said her home was cold before Christmas, so she bought a new furnace, but still had the problem.
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quicklist: 6title: 'I Really Wanted to Do Something That Would Have a Little More Depth When I Get Into It.' text: When the new year rolls around, some people vow to spend more time with their family. Others pledge to step up their Pilates routines. But Beautiful Existence -- yes, that's the legal name of a real person, not a philosophical question triggered by the new year -- has another resolution for 2013: To eat and drink only items from Starbucks for 12 straight months.
She wanted to focus on businesses and organizations that are based in the Pacific Northwest.
"I've been watching Starbucks for a while and I've known about how they're really tried to keep good benefits for the part-time workers and really good customer service," she told ABC News. "Howard Schultz has been participating in politics and the economic situation in our community; they are very environmental. I really wanted to do something that would have a little more depth when I get into it."
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quicklist: 7title: 'We're Seeing Companies Deciding Not to Offer Internships at All, Rather Than Have to Pay.'text: Unpaid internships -- their fairness or unfairness -- lately have figured in high-profile lawsuits brought by unpaid, disgruntled interns against the rich corporations that used them but didn't even give them car fare.
In December, the Supreme Court of New York ordered television host Charlie Rose's production company to pay up to $250,000 to settle a class-action suit brought by former interns who argued that, although they had agreed to work for free, they should have been paid.
Rose and his company say in the settlement agreement that they do not admit any liability or wrongdoing, and that they settled purely to avoid ongoing litigation. Rose's attorney, asked by ABC News for further comment, declined.
Eric Normington is CEO of Dream Careers, a for-profit company that helps match would-be interns with jobs available. This coming summer the company expects to offer 2,000 students about 4,000 situations, some paid, some not.
"We're seeing companies deciding not to offer internships at all, rather than have to pay," he tells ABC News. "It's a significant long-term problem."
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