Welcome to the new 538 website
New articles will appear on ABC News, but our interactives will stay in place.

Welcome to the new home of 538! Starting today, Sept. 18, 538 content will be published at a new vertical on the ABC News website, www.abcnews.com/538, where we will be focusing on coverage of elections, politics and American society.
This means we will no longer be posting articles on our old website, www.fivethirtyeight.com. But fans of the old site shouldn’t worry — all of the articles published prior to today will remain online. Old links to specific articles will still work, although www.fivethirtyeight.com will redirect to our new home at ABC News. You can also simply search online for the article you’re interested in or, if you are looking for articles by a specific writer, browse their contributor pages.
Importantly, we will continue to update our interactives (including our elections forecasts and polls page), which can be accessed via their usual URLs or the widgets on www.abcnews.com/538. So don’t worry, poll nerds: We’ll still add new polls to the polls page, and our polling averages will continue to update in real time. We also plan to roll out a number of exciting new interactives in the coming months, including a forecast of next year’s presidential election.
So, if you’re just visiting 538 for the first time today at our new home, welcome. If you’re a long-time reader, welcome back — we hope you’ll keep visiting us. We’ll keep putting out the same analysis, data visualization, reporting, videos and podcasts that you know and love. And, as always, if you have any feedback, feel free to reach out to us at contact@fivethirtyeight.com.