Joy Behar changes her mind on impeaching Trump after Mueller hearing

The left-leaning co-host on "The View" changed her mind about impeachment.

July 26, 2019, 2:45 PM

Left-leaning co-host of "The View," Joy Behar, changed course on the urgency of impeaching President Donald Trump after previously disagreeing with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has rebuffed calls for his impeachment .

Following former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony on Wednesday, Behar spoke about why she thinks it's "too distracting" to impeach Trump leading up to the 2020 election — a view she shared with conservative co-host Meghan McCain, who emphasized the importance of winning over swing states.

"Don't underestimate the power of swing states," McCain said, referring to the Democratic debates coming up next week. "Hillary Clinton won by three million voters, but lost in the electoral college."

"The electoral college is how you win and die in this election cycle. You don't care about these people? People in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania — they're up for grabs," McCain added.

"I thought after the Mueller thing, 'You know what? Put your money in those states that you are talking about,'" Behar said. "Put your efforts in there."

Joy Behar shares her opinion on impeaching Pres. Donald Trump on Friday, July 26 following Robert Mueller's testimony.
ABC News

Behar compared the president's impeachment leading up to the 2020 election to divorcing her first husband, Joe Behar. "When I got divorced, my husband had no money to give me, but he had a little bit, and one of my friends said, go after him for the money."

"I can only do one of two things. I can pursue my career or I can go after him, and I feel that way about this election," Behar continued. "You can't do that many things at one time, and I was right. I have this job now because of that. I didn't spend my time going after — getting blood from a rock."

On Thursday, a day after Mueller's testimony, Behar pressed Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. on Congress' plans to prevent foreign governments from interfering in future elections.

"This is, you know, one of the other hopes of having Bob Mueller come in, which is to make the case why we need to protect our election's infrastructure, why we need to re-double our efforts that the Russians have never stopped meddling and they will continue to meddle." Schiff said. "The reason that will be the most powerful moment in the meeting is he acknowledged this is the new normal, that American candidates are going to think it's OK to receive foreign assistance."

Schiff also told "The View" co-hosts that "the evidence is in plain sight" on the issue of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

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