Katy Perry wants her fans to hold her 'accountable' for her New Year's resolutions

The singer is doing Meat-Free Mondays and Self-Care Sundays in 2020.

December 27, 2019, 8:18 AM

Katy Perry counted down to Christmas this year by creating a #25DaysofCozy online advent calendar which offered fans some kind of treat each day.

Now that Christmas is over, though, Katy's looking forward to 2020, and is asking fans to join her in some of her goals.

"What are your New Year's resolutions? I have some ideas," she says in a video. "I would really like to stick to -- and I'm saying this out loud so I'm gonna be held accountable by many people, especially y'all -- is Meat-Free Mondays and Self-Care Sundays."

"So, both of 'em have a little bit of a ring to it, of course, but will you join me?" she adds. "Meat-Free Mondays and Self-Care Sundays: More on all of that soon!"

Meat-Free Mondays is a campaign launched by music legend Paul McCartney and his daughters 10 years ago to encourage people to refrain from eating meat one day a week. According to the campaign, you can slow climate change, preserve natural resources and improve your health by having one plant-based day out of seven.

Self-Care Sunday is less of an organized movement and more of a mindset that involves adopting self-care practices to help relieve the stress and anxiety of the coming week.

Katy also promises to continue the #25DaysofCozy idea for Christmas 2020.