QUIZ Will You Be Fat in 10 Years?

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 13, 2006, 2:48 PM

July 14, 2006 — -- You know what you weigh now, but what if you could predict whether you will gain weight in the future? You don't need a crystal ball. You just need to take this quiz created by Self magazine and Paula Quatromoni, of Boston University's Sargent College Nutrition Program. Get ready to analyze your eating habits and whether they'll cause you to pack on the pounds.

1. My food philosophy is ...
a. I eat for health and for energy.
b. Everything in moderation. Healthy? Try to be. Deprive myself? Not on your life.
c. I'm always kind of on a diet, but I regularly splurge.
d. Butter makes everything better.
e. Chocolate, rich desserts, salty snacks and sodas: Aren't those the four basic food groups?

2. I start my day with a shower and ...
a. Whole-grain cereal or toast with skim milk and fruit.
b. A small muffin (half a softball-size) and coffee.
c. Coffee, maybe a banana.
d. A bagel with cream cheese or a Sausage McMuffin with egg, plus coffee with cream.
e. A Danish, doughnut or cinnamon roll. Hey, a girl needs some reason to get out of bed!

3. At a café for lunch, I order ...
a. Grilled chicken salad, heavy on the veggies, no cheese or croutons, dressing on the side. OK, I admit it: I'm high-maintenance.
b. The special sounds great. I love to try new foods whenever I have the chance.
c. A chicken- or tuna-salad sandwich.
d. Quiche or a burger.
e. Anything that comes with fries and, of course, dessert.

4. It's 3 p.m. and I urgently need a snack. I'll have ...
a. Raw veggies, some fresh fruit or dried apricots.
b. Pretzels, nuts or a piece of dark chocolate.
c. A glass of water or seltzer to fill me up and sugarless gum to keep my mouth busy.
d. A handful of cookies or a bag of chips.
e. A candy bar and a cola or some other quick sugar hit from the vending machine.

5. If I order pizza, it's ...
a. Piled with veggies, light on the cheese.
b. Cheese and other topping, whatever sounds good.
c. Fresh mozzarella with basil, thin crust -- and extra napkins (I blot the grease).
d. Thick-crust or deep-dish, and lots of cheese, please.
e. Meaty. Pile on the pepperoni; show me the sausage!

6. Happy hour! What will it be?
a. A wine spritzer or club soda.
b. A glass or two of wine.
c. A light beer. If everyone is having mixed drinks, I'll have a vodka tonic.
d. A mudslide, sombrero or white Russian.
e. A frozen daiquiri or piña colada.