'GMA' January Challenge: Ginger Zee shares what happened after a month of strength training

Zee explains why she is OK with not meeting the goal she set.

'GMA' January Challenge: Ginger Zee shares what happened after a month of strength training
ABC News
February 14, 2019, 4:17 AM

Welcome to GMA’s New Year, Best You. As we ring in 2019, we are sharing everything you need to start the new year strong. From keeping your New Year’s resolutions going to Instagram-worthy meal prep to workout programs to eating plans to taking time for yourself, we have it all covered.

At the start of 2019, "Good Morning America" meteorologist Ginger Zee, a mother of two and an avid exerciser, set a new wellness goal: to be able to do eight pull-ups and 30 push-ups in great form by the end of January.

Ginger Zee, pictured with her trainer Mark Langowski, worked towards getting stronger in the new year for her January Challenge.
ABC News

Zee used trainer Alexia Clark’s online program for strength and turned to her friend and personal trainer Mark Langowski to help achieve her pull-up and push-up goals.

She explains here, in her own words, her results after spending a month devoted to strength training.

I set a goal...and I didn’t achieve it. And that’s OK.

OK, OK...that’s only half true.

My main goal for January was to get stronger. And I did!

Part of my January challenge was to do 30 push-ups with great form all in a row. I was at a solid 17 and I easily achieved 30. I think I can actually do closer to 40 now!

My other goal was to do eight chin-ups. I could do two. I only got to four.

My January challenge has now become my February challenge and that’s OK

Granted I was sick for the entire month (I had that terrible respiratory thing that was going around and had to eventually get on antibiotics and steroids to kick it) and traveled much more than anticipated, so practicing my chin-ups wasn’t as easy.

(MORE: 'GMA' January Challenge: How to do a pull-up with perfect form)

I also realize I did double my strength and the most beautiful part of not making my goal? It makes me want it even more in the coming weeks.

My January challenge has now become my February challenge and that’s OK.

(MORE: 10 Instagram accounts to follow for major inspiration)

Perfection is rarely possible, attaining goals is

That’s a big lesson I’ve learned in the past decade or so as I have attempted to give myself grace. Perfection is rarely possible. Attaining goals is.

This method of workout goals was never something I had done in the past and it motivated me to achieve my overall goal and that was to get stronger.

I wake up every morning and write what I’m grateful for and my goal for the day on my glass shower door. That helps ground me and keep me motivated. I loved having this goal and will do it again this month.

And I will get those chin-ups!

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