Australia's 6'4'' steer Knickers has competition from Canada

Which steer is the tallest in the world?

November 30, 2018, 1:21 PM

A Canadian Holstein Friesian has raised the stakes in the competition to be the the world's tallest steer.

Knickers, an Australian steer who stands at 6’4", gained internet fame this week.

In this image made from video taken Nov. 15, 2018, Knickers the steer, center back, is pictured with a herd of cows in Lake Preston, Australia.
Channel 7's Today Tonight via AP


Now, Karl Schoenrock, the operator of Kismet Creek Farm in Canada, said his steer Dozer may have Knickers beat by an inch.

“We were told he measured at 6’3" last year when we first got him,” Schoenrock told ABC News. “Two days ago we measured him ourselves and he measured at 6’5.”

Dozer was born on a beef farm in Alberta. Rebecca Hanuschuk, a vegan, who had been living on the farm, "fell in love with him,” Schoenrock said. “Dozer was only 6 months at the time and I guess wanted attention, so he befriended her.”

Dozer the Canadian cow, stands at 6 feet 5 inches.
Kismet Creek Farm/Facebook

Hanuschuk had expected the steer to be put up for slaughter when she eventually left the farm but he was still alive when she returned months later. Hanuschuk bought the steer and gave him to Kismet Creek Farm in June.

Kismet is a sanctuary for farm animals.

Even though Dozer's size can be imposing, he has the sweetest personality.

“I always just call him the friendly giant,” Schoenrock said. “He’ll nozzle into you, and if he’s laying down you can lay down right next to him.”

Dozer will remain on the farm for the rest of his life.

“He’s just happy here with his friends,” Schoenrock said.