Ivanka Trump dismisses impeachment probe as attempt to overturn 2016 election

The president's daughter revealed her views in an AP interview in Morocco.

November 8, 2019, 11:41 AM

First daughter Ivanka Trump dismissed the House impeachment probe as an effort by Democrats at "overturning the results of the 2016 election,” in an an interview with the Associated Press

“Basically since the election this has been the experience that our administration and our family has been having,” Trump told the AP during a trip to Morocco to promote her women's economic empowerment initiative. “So, rather than waiting a year and letting the people decide based on his record, based on his accomplishments, this new effort has commenced.”

While her father remains fixated on unmasking the original whistleblower, Ivanka Trump downplayed the significance of the person’s identity, saying it’s "not particularly relevant" to the inquiry, since the anonymous person wasn’t on the call.

Ivanka Trump meets with local women farmers in the Moroccan city of Sidi Kacem on November 7, 2019.
Fadel Senna/AFP via Getty Images

“At the end of the day I don't view the whistleblower-- it shouldn't be a substantive part of the conversation because this a third party who wasn't on the call and wasn't privy to the conversation,” she said. “So that is what is the catalyst for all of this discussion but to me, it’s not particularly relevant aside from what the motivation behind all this was.”

Asked what she believes the motivation is, she declined to say: “I’m not going to speculate.”

Maintaining the White House line that the president’s July 25th call with the president of Ukraine was completely appropriate, she said “we stand by the transcript at the end of the day.”

Trump also asserted that the identity of the whistleblower is already known, saying “it’s all over the internet.” While there has been speculation circulated in some corners of the internet about who the whistleblower may be, ABC News is not reporting speculation about the person’s identity.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Monday, Nov. 4, 2019.
Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Lawyers for the whistleblower, who is identified only as a member of the intelligence community, have said revealing their client’s identity would risk their personal safety and that they have already received death threats directed at their client.

Ivanka Trump also disputed that her family is profiting off of her father’s presidency, while accusing the Bidens of having "created wealth as a derivative" of public service.

“I view them as the exact opposite,” she said, comparing her family to the Bidens.

By distinction, she argued her family has instead built its success based on business, prior to and independent of coming to the White House.

As for whether she would plan to stay in the administration for another four years should her father be reelected, she said “I don’t know” because it will ultimately depend on the needs of her family.

Trump said the “real world impact” of her work at the White House motivates her to continue doing what she is doing: “It’s certainly not the joy and the accolades, it’s the impact, it’s the results, and that’s what motivates you and keeps you going.”

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