The Note: For Trump, a week of big moves could have big blowback

Trump’s moves are signaling policy choices that will have real ramifications.

July 6, 2018, 6:00 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

President Donald Trump can accept resignations, reverse his own policies and promise that trade wars are easy to win.

But he can't pretend to be without ideology – not now, and not anymore.

Trump's moves are signaling policy choices that will have real ramifications and that figure to draw significant blowback.

The president accepted Scott Pruitt's resignation for reasons outside of his job performance – where he "has done an outstanding job" running the EPA, according to the president. Pruitt's legacy includes a dizzying array of scandals, but also a massive, pro-business shift in the regulatory functions of the agency.

The president's family-separation policies are about to get new scrutiny, via court-imposed deadlines. His long-promised imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods leaves it up to the world's most populous country to respond.

And when the lobbying over his Supreme Court pick is done, Trump will have made a selection that – if the president gets what he expects – will change the status of laws impacting abortion, civil rights, healthcare and a long list that follows.

The noise around Trump this week is considerable, as always. But he will be judged on what he's done far more than what he's said about it what he's doing.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

In the middle of the week, the Washington Post ran this headline: "It's Independence Day, but Americans aren't feeling so proud."

The article cited recent polling wherein Americans, at new levels, expressed little pride in their country, a deepening mistrust of government and concern over Trump's disrespect of public institutions.

Perhaps part of the reason is Washington's apparent focus on dismantling things. There's near constant talk of undoing a health care system, overturning regulations, rolling back protections for minorities and consumers, and breaking apart families.

Thousands of Americans celebrate and observe the Annual Fourth of July Fireworks on Independence Day on the National Mall in Washington on July 04, 2018.
Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post via Getty Images

With the fight over the next Supreme Court pick underway, the conversation again is centered on rolling back the clock on legal precedent -- a woman's right to have an abortion.

Of course, proponents of these moves use different words and phrases. Cutting red tape means adding growth opportunities for businesses, outgoing EPA administrator Scott Pruitt would say. A hardline on immigration means erecting tougher borders.

And these rollbacks have – in no way – been surprises. Republicans ran, of course, on overturning rules put in place under President Barack Obama.

Still, in this divided time, it's hard to see the country rallying together or feeling proud together, without an effort to create something new across party lines.

The TIP with Eliana Larramendia

ABC News has confirmed former Clinton White House official Lanny Davis has joined the legal team for Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney and longtime fixer for President Donald Trump. Davis is best known for his work with Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings.

"Like most of America, I have been following the matter regarding Michael Cohen with great interest," Davis told ABC News. "As an attorney, I have talked to Michael many times in the last two weeks. When I read his words published on July 2, I recognized their sincerity. Michael Cohen deserves to tell his side of the story -- subject, of course, to the advice of counsel."

U.S. attorney and former Clinton political strategist, speaks during a Bloomberg Television interview in Prague, Czech Republic, on May 22, 2018.
Martin Divisek/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Cohen had been speaking to Davis prior to Thursday and has formally joined his team along with lead attorney Guy Petrillo, a former federal prosecutor in New York's Southern District.

Cohen spoke last week with George Stephanopoulos – his first interview since an early morning raid was carried out earlier this year on his home, office, and hotel by federal agents. Cohen, who has not been charged with any crime, told Stephanopoulos: "My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will. I put family and country first."

Cohen made clear that his decision about whether to cooperate will be based not on any previous loyalty to Trump – but on Petrillo's legal advice.

Cohen updated his Twitter bio yesterday removing all references and photos tied to his longtime boss, Donald Trump.


  • President Trump is in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he will spend the weekend.
  • Vice President Pence and DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen visit the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. Pence will give remarks at 11:00 a.m.
  • Today is the House-imposed deadline for the Justice Department to turn over documents detailing the FBI's handling of investigations during the 2016 election sought by various congressional committees.
  • This Week on ‘This Week': Ahead of Monday's announcement of President Trump's next Supreme Court nominee, Trump Adviser on Judicial Nominations Leonard Leo comes to "This Week" Sunday. And the Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, with ABC News Contributor and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Democratic Strategist and Obama 2012 Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter, Republican Strategist and Bush White House Political Affairs Director Sara Fagen, and Open Society Foundations President and Obama White House Political Affairs Director Patrick Gaspard.

    "I think Scott felt that he was a distraction." — President Donald Trump told reporters on Air Force One about EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's resignation Thursday.


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    Trump tweets that EPA chief Scott Pruitt has resigned. "I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this," President Trump tweeted Thursday. (Stephanie Ebbs, John Santucci and Matthew Mosk)

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    NC congressional candidate once questioned whether careers were 'healthiest pursuit' for women. In the 2013 sermon unveiled by American Bridge, a Democratic PAC that conducts opposition research, Mark Harris, who won the North Carolina 9th Congressional District's GOP primary in May discusses "God's plan for biblical womanhood" and argues that society "created a culture and created an environment that have made it extremely difficult for any woman … to live out and fulfill God's design." (Adam Kelsey and John Verhovek)

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    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back Monday for the latest.

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