George Floyd's brother to David Muir: 'We're all standing together' for justice

Terrence Floyd spoke to thousands during a vigil in Brooklyn.

June 4, 2020, 9:14 PM

Terrence Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, whose death after being restrained by police officers has sparked protests and calls for justice and an end to racism all over the U.S. and the world, spoke to ABC News anchor David Muir at a Brooklyn memorial, telling him that "we're all standing together for the cause of justice."

Terrence Floyd addressed thousands of supporters who attended a vigil Thursday in Brooklyn, New York, for George Floyd.

Terrence Floyd speaks to ABC News' David Muir in Brooklyn, New York, where Floyd spoke at a vigil held by thousands for his brother George.
ABC News

George, 46, originally from Houston, Texas, died in Minneapolis on Memorial Day after a police officer placed his knee on George's neck for nearly nine minutes, according to prosecutors.

In video taken by a bystander, George could be heard saying, "I can't breathe," as Officer Derek Chauvin restrained him. Chauvin is now facing second-degree and third-degree murder and manslaughter charges. Three other officers who were present during the arrest have been charged with second-degree aiding and abetting felony murder and second-degree aiding and abetting manslaughter.

All four officers were fired from the force.

George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody, is seen with his daughter Gianna in an undated family photo in Minneapolis.
Courtesy Floyd Family via Reuters

At the vigil Thursday, held at Brooklyn's Cadman Plaza Park, Terrence and his family told Muir, the anchor of "World News Tonight," that they hope their tragedy marks a turning point in the U.S.

Thousands gathered for the vigil -- black, white, LatinX and of various backgrounds -- to pay their respects to the Floyd family and to demand justice for George.

"You know, when I see stuff like this, I cry, because it just shows me... that we're all one," supporter Mickia Williams told Muir. "We're all loved."

Terrence Floyd speaks to ABC News' David Muir in Brooklyn, New York, where Floyd spoke at a vigil held by thousands for his brother George.
ABC News

On the stage, an emotional Terrence was lifted by a sea of faces in the crowd, many who were holding signs, kneeling and calling out: "George Floyd," "I can't breathe" and "Justice now!"

"I want to thank God," he told the crowd. "Because at the end of the day, my brother's gone, but the Floyd name still lives on."

He told supporters that while he was proud of the protests, he was not proud of the looting and violence that had overshadowed demonstrators' message.

A protester waves an American flag with a message that reads "CAN'T BREATHE" during a memorial for George Floyd at Cadman Plaza Park in the Brooklyn borough of New York, on June 4, 2020.
John Minchillo/AP

"My brother wasn't about that," he said. "The Floyds are a God-fearing family."

"Power to the people. Not just my people. Not just your people. Not just the people they think is important or whatever. I'm talking about power to the people. All of us," he said to the crowd.

As the thousands began to march from Cadman Plaza Park and across the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan, Terrence described to Muir that moment speaking in front of the crowd.

Terrence Boyd, in the cap and white T-shirt, spoke to ABC News' David Muir after a Brooklyn vigil held on June 4, 2020, for his brother George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day.
ABC News

"I just knew... my brother was proud. ... I know the whole Floyd family was proud of that. Because we're all standing together. ... And I just appreciate it. We all appreciate it," he said. "My brother up there in heaven appreciates it."

He told Muir that hearing the crowd yell out his brother's name resonated with him for a special reason.

"That's my father's namesake, so not only do I hear my brother's name, I hear my father too. You know what I'm saying?" Terrence said.

"My father's gone. My brother is gone. They up there together. So when I heard that name, it just, it made me feel good," he told Muir.

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