Derek Chauvin trial: Witnesses questioned by lawyers

Chauvin, who has pleaded not guilty, is facing multiple murder charges.

The trial for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd, began Monday in Minneapolis.

He faces charges of manslaughter, second-degree murder and third-degree murder.

The trial is expected to last four weeks.

Latest headlines:

    The trial has wrapped for the day.

    3rd witness, who told Chauvin to stop kneeling on Floyd, testifies

    Donald Williams, the professional mixed martial arts fighter who can be heard in a witness video criticizing Minneapolis police officers during their encounter with Floyd, was called by the prosecution as its third witness Monday.

    Williams was walking around the corner from the Cup Foods when he heard a commotion and saw Floyd on the ground with Chauvin kneeling over him, he testified.

    Floyd "was speaking in a distressed way" when Williams got there, vocalizing to the officers that he was in pain and that he wanted his mom, Williams said.

    "His breathing was getting tremendously heavy," Williams said, adding that it was apparent that he was struggling to gasp for air.

    At one point, Floyd's eyes then "slowly rolled to the back of his head" and his nose started bleeding, and soon after he was "lifeless," Williams said.

    Williams said his experience as a fighter led him to believe that Chauvin's position on Floyd's neck was putting Floyd in imminent danger.

    Another witness on the scene who is a paramedic told the officers multiple times to check Floyd's pulse, but no one did, Williams said.

    Prosecution calls 2nd witness, employee of store across the street from Cup Foods

    Alisha Oyler, a shift manager for the Speedway located across the street from Cup Foods, first noticed police officers “messing with someone” when she began watching the encounter involving Floyd, she told prosecutors Monday.

    Oyler took seven separate video recordings on her cellphone but could not immediately recall details, stating that it had "been so long."

    Defense tries to establish that 911 dispatcher was not an expert on use of force policies

    During a cross-examination, defense attorney Eric Nelson walked 911 dispatcher Jena Scurry through the timeline of the encounter and pressed her on her knowledge of Minneapolis Police use of force policies.

    Nelson seemed to want the jury to know that Scurry was not familiar with how police handled such incidents.

    Scurry acknowledged that she has only seen police incidents play out live on monitors in the dispatch center three to four times in the seven years she has been a dispatcher.

    ABC News’ Whitney Lloyd contributed to this report.

    Floyd was struggling with officers before Chauvin arrived, defense says

    Floyd was struggling with officers who were trying to get him in a squad car when Chauvin arrived on the scene, Nelson said.

    After Chauvin asked whether Floyd was under arrest, he assisted the other officers in their attempts to get Floyd in the car.

    The struggle was so profound that the squad car could be seen rocking back and forth in a fixed police camera. The image caught the attention of a police dispatcher, Nelson said.

    Chauvin then used what is called a "maximal restraint technique" to restrain Floyd, Nelson said.

    "You will learn that Derek Chauvin did exactly what he was trained to do over the course of his 19-year career," Nelson said.