Mother posts video of toddler enamored with violinist playing music

Thomas Accurso, 11 months old, was attending a music class in New York City.

April 3, 2019, 8:24 PM

The violin appears to have a new fan in 11-month-old Thomas Accurso.

Thomas was attending a music class for babies and young children with his mother recently in New York City when violinist Laura Zawarski began playing.

It was the toddler's first time hearing a violin, his mother, Rachel Accurso, said.

She had her camera rolling as Thomas studied Zawarski, as well as the violin, as she played the Elvis classic "Can't Help Falling in Love."

Thomas Accurso, 11 months old, was captured by his mother, Rachel, on video enjoying his first time hearing a violin.
Rachel Accurso

Thomas quickly became transfixed, walking straight toward Zawarski, sitting at her feet and staring up at her intently.

"I was so moved by Thomas' reaction to the violin. He was totally mesmerized by Laura's playing. ... He showed her in his own way how much he loved the music," Accurso said.

Then he got off the floor, stood in front of her and and finally gave Zawarski's leg a hug before sitting back down.

Zawarski just smiled and continued to play, looking down at her newest fan (and perhaps a future violinist.)

Accurso posted the video March 27 on Twitter. Since then, it has been viewed almost 3 million times.

"It was a beautiful moment of connection and joy when, in this world, we can feel so separate. I think music is an incredibly powerful force that can unite, inspire and heal," she said. "People from all over the world, from all different backgrounds and religions, have written to us and told us how much the video's touched them."