'Start Here': Trump's latest border screed, Dems ponder Biden, Brexit still Brexit

Here's what you need to know to start your day.

April 1, 2019, 5:55 AM

It's Monday, April 1, 2019. Let's start here.

1. 'I'll just close the border'

Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America, said on Friday that if Mexico didn't stop "ALL illegal immigration" he would shut down the border, a view echoed Sunday on "This Week" by Mick Mulvaney, acting White House chief of staff, and a view economists believe could cost the U.S. billions of dollars.

Shutting down points of entry probably wouldn't solve the crisis anyway, ABC News Chief National Affairs Correspondent Tom Llamas says today on "Start Here."

"People will still come to this country, overstay their visas and try to live in the shadows," Llamas says. "Coyotes and smugglers will keep trying to push through families."

2. 'Awkward and disturbing'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren counts herself among those who believe Lucy Flores, who said she was inappropriately touched and kissed in 2014 by Joe Biden, who, through a spokesperson, intially said he didn't remember that happening and later issued another statement saying it "was never my intention" to make anyone uncomfortable.

Molly Nagle of ABC News says on today's podcast that Dems looking ahead to 2020 "are really going to have to figure out how to deal with these instances where it's not a crime, but if somebody is uncomfortable."

Former Vice President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the First State Democratic Dinner in Dover, Del. March 16, 2019.
Jonathan Ernst/Reuters, FILE

3. May or May not or who even knows anymore like seriously

Brexit, a Brexity Brexit of pure Brexitude and "even more of a mess now," as dutifully reported in Thursday's "Start Here" column, keeps getting more Brexilicious.

With votes scheduled for today, according to ABC News' Marcus Wilford, "It's not even clear that that process is going to get us to a compromise that provides a way forward."

The U.K. is scheduled to abandon the European Union on April 12 with or without a plan, which could have devastating consequences for millions, especially those who require food, medicine or clear economic signals.

PHOTO: British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the House of Commons in London,  March 29, 2019.
British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the House of Commons in London, March 29, 2019.
Mark Duffy/UK Parliament/Reuters

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From our friends at FiveThirtyEight:

11 senators want to know why the CDC’s gun injury estimates are unreliable: The Trace and FiveThirtyEight first reported last year that the CDC's 2016 gun injury estimate was so uncertain the agency classified it as "unstable and potentially unreliable."

Doff your cap:

This one will lift your spirits -- a real "Mary Poppins" moment.

Surveillance footage from Turkey captures the moment a man is lifted into the air aboard a patio umbrella's base as he tries to secure it during viciously strong winds.

Surveillance footage captures moment strong winds lifted a man into the air as he tried to stop a patio umbrella from falling over.
Surveillance footage captures moment strong winds lifted a man into the air as he tried to stop a patio umbrella from falling over.

ABC News has yet to confirm whether the winds arrived from the east, if they contained mist or if something, indeed, is brewing.