A look back at Trump's live-tweeting of the Oscars

Trump did not hold back when live-tweeting past Oscar ceremonies.

The scheduling conflict means Trump will likely not be watching the 89th Academy Awards live on TV.

He also declared the evening "amateur night," criticized DeGeneres' longtime producer and seemed to imply the awards show was "dishonest."

That year the future commander-in-chief also retweeted supporters who appeared to indicate Trump's no-holds-barred Oscar tweets would make him a good president.

Trump told his Twitter followers in 2013 that he was tweeting that year’s ceremony, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, due to “popular demand.”

Despite writing in a 2012 tweet that McFarlane being named Oscar host was “something new that should be fun,” Trump called the ceremony "very average" the morning after.

In between his reviews of McFarlane, Trump called “Django Unchained,” a best picture nominee, the “most racist movie I have ever seen," slammed the British accent of Daniel-Day Lewis, who won best actor for "Lincoln," and deemed the Oscar set "very tacky."

Trump was so angry about the Oscars in 2012, hosted by Billy Crystal, that he took to another form of social media, YouTube, to vent.

Trump also called the ceremony "boring," said people were sleeping through it and used the occasion to take a dig at Vanity Fair, whose editor, Graydon Carter, has a long-running feud with Trump.

“Nobody enjoyed it. There was no good feeling and it was really like symblomatic [sic] of what happened to Vanity Fair,” Trump said. “...It used to be a wonderful magazine. Right now it’s boring, just like the party they had.”

Just one year earlier, in 2011, Trump and his wife attended the Oscars. The couple also attended the Vanity Fair Oscar party at the Sunset Tower Hotel, as seen in photographs taken at the time.