'I've never felt more emasculated': Terry Crews sheds light on why men don't speak out about harassment

Experts explain how men experience sexual harassment differently from women.

After his powerful live interview, Crews relayed further details about what he says happened at a Hollywood party he attended with his wife last year.

"He takes his right hand and, under mine, and immediately squeezes, grabs my genitals," Crews told ABC News. "I slap his hand away, pushed him back more forcefully."

Crews said Venit called him the next morning and apologized for his actions.

"I got a call. It's him on the line — 'I'm sorry, I was drunk, I wasn't myself that night,'" Crews said.

He added that he did not feel the apology was sincere, saying, "It's like when people are sorry because they got caught."

"I said, 'Read that letter. Now you know what you got to do,'" Crews added. "He said, 'It's different.'"

While Crews recently parted ways with the agency, he said he identifies with the fear that many others say deters them from speaking out against their harasser: fear of retaliation.

"He is privy to all the studio heads who hire me," Crews said. "Who's to say he couldn't poison that?"

William Morris Endeavor told ABC News that Venit was suspended after an internal investigation into the matter. Venit and Emmanuel declined ABC News' requests for comment Wednesday.

Why male victims of sexual misconduct may not speak out

The issue of sexual harassment in the workplace extends far beyond Hollywood. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said it received over 12,000 complaints of sexual harassment last year alone and over 15 percent of those were from men.

"I think, as a guy, you sit there and think, 'OK, first of all, people are going think I'm crazy or something that I didn't like this,'" said Aravosis, who said a female colleague made inappropriate remarks to him over the phone. "You know, guys are supposed to like women coming onto them, and boy, she came onto me, and that's supposed to be cool and funny."

Aravosis recalled the harassment he says he faced, saying, "All I can compare it to is when I hear people talk about having their homes robbed. And they talk about this sort of sense of violation in their personal space."

He added that while he was not worried about his job or his personal safety, he's affected by a deterrent against speaking out. He said, "I feel kind of — I use the word 'wussy.'"

Phil and Erika Boissiere, a married team of psychotherapists, told ABC News that while women who experience sexual harassment tend to think it's their own fault, men often question their masculinity after facing sexual harassment.

"What women experience is self-doubt," she said. He said that women "are often immediately questioned about what their role was in provoking it, which is ridiculous."

Erika Boissiere said, "It's viewed by society where women coming onto men isn't a bad thing."

Phil Boissiere said, "In deciding to speak out, men butt up against this social script that men aren't supposed to ask for help."