Benjamin Netanyahu: Why He's a Secret Millennial

Bibi used his speech to talk Twitter, Google, and "Game of Thrones."

So naturally, Bibi brought along his millennial game to help make his case.

Why should & how can #Israel be eliminated? Ayatollah Khamenei's answer to 9 key questions.#HandsOffAlAqsa

— (@khamenei_ir) November 9, 2014

But how can you find that tweet? Well, just take Netanyahu’s advice he offered to Congress later in his speech about how they might find details about the potential nuclear deal forming with Iran.

Google and Twitter, the basic daily diet on the web for any millennial.

But Netanyahu didn’t stop there.

And as anyone who is a fan of the HBO hit show, they might know that “when you play the 'Game of Thrones,' you win or you die. There is no middle ground,” as one character famously says.

As you might expect, that particular quote struck a chord on, where else, Twitter.

Those in Israel are already familiar with Netanyahu’s foray into appeasing to the younger generations. In early February he released a comedic campaign commercial in which he starred as the “Bibisitter.”

You can find that video on YouTube which, as you might expect, Netanyahu also referenced once in his speech.

Why should & how can #Israel be eliminated? Ayatollah Khamenei's answer to 9 key questions.#HandsOffAlAqsa

— (@khamenei_ir) November 9, 2014

But how can you find that tweet? Well, just take Netanyahu’s advice he offered to Congress later in his speech about how they might find details about the potential nuclear deal forming with Iran.

Google and Twitter, the basic daily diet on the web for any millennial.

But Netanyahu didn’t stop there.

And as anyone who is a fan of the HBO hit show, they might know that “when you play the 'Game of Thrones,' you win or you die. There is no middle ground,” as one character famously says.

As you might expect, that particular quote struck a chord on, where else, Twitter.

Those in Israel are already familiar with Netanyahu’s foray into appeasing to the younger generations. In early February he released a comedic campaign commercial in which he starred as the “Bibisitter.”

You can find that video on YouTube which, as you might expect, Netanyahu also referenced once in his speech.