Election 2020 updates: Biden warns of 'dark winter,' pushes masks in pandemic plan

The president-elect emphasized how he would handle the pandemic response.

Joe Biden is set to become the 46th president of the United States, capping a tumultuous and tension-filled campaign during a historic pandemic against President Donald Trump. ABC News characterized Joe Biden as the apparent winner of his home state of Pennsylvania, putting him over the 270 vote threshold needed to capture the presidency.

The hard-fought battle against the president was set against the backdrop of racial unrest and the coronavirus pandemic and bitter divisions among the electorate.

Trump had falsely declared on election night, when he held a lead in several key states, that he won the contest and alleged without evidence, after the count started to swing the other way, that the election was being stolen from him and that fraud had been committed.

Painting the election as a "battle for the soul of the nation," Biden won on a message of unity over division, compassion over anger, and reality over what he called Trump's "wishful thinking" as the coronavirus pandemic cast a heavy shadow over the campaign.

The 2020 election has shattered voting records with votes totaling 147 million and counting, surpassing the 138 million who voted in 2016.


Bill and Hillary Clinton cast their votes

Former President Bill Clinton shared a photo of him and Hillary Clinton, both wearing masks, with "I voted" stickers after they headed to the polls Tuesday.

"Hillary and I just proudly cast our ballots for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” he captioned the photo. “They will work tirelessly to heal our divisions and build a better future for all of us. If you haven’t done so already, vote today!”

Biden visits his childhood home 

Biden visited his childhood home in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday where he was greeted by the current resident, Anne Kearns.

Kearns welcomed Biden’s grandchildren Finnegan and Natalie Biden and told them that they are “welcome anytime.”

The entire street was filled with supporters during his visit. Biden told the crowd it felt good to be home.

The former vice president then asked Kearns if he could show his granddaughters the kitchen, a location where he has recounted many memories while on the campaign trail.

Kamala Harris negative for COVID-19 

Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 Tuesday and COVID-19 was not detected, an aid for Harris said.

- ABC News’ Averi Harper.

Joe Biden visits Scranton with his grandchildren, tells them 'welcome home'

Shortly after landing in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden offered an enthusiastic, “Welcome home!” and quickly introduced his grandchildren to the press assembled on the tarmac.

“These are the only two of my grandchildren who have never been to Scranton,” Biden said. “So we’re going home.”

Biden then headed directly to a canvass kick off at the Carpenters Local Union Hall 445, where he was introduced by Sen. Bob Casey.

After he wrapped up his brief remarks, one supporter shouted “Bring it home tonight Joe!” which prompted Biden to say he’s going to “run through the tape.”

“Well I’ll tell ya... it feels good!” He said. “But you know, if you’ve got to run through the tape man, you got to go all the way through the tape!”

- ABC News’ Johnny Verhovek.