Election 2020 updates: Biden warns of 'dark winter,' pushes masks in pandemic plan

The president-elect emphasized how he would handle the pandemic response.

Joe Biden is set to become the 46th president of the United States, capping a tumultuous and tension-filled campaign during a historic pandemic against President Donald Trump. ABC News characterized Joe Biden as the apparent winner of his home state of Pennsylvania, putting him over the 270 vote threshold needed to capture the presidency.

The hard-fought battle against the president was set against the backdrop of racial unrest and the coronavirus pandemic and bitter divisions among the electorate.

Trump had falsely declared on election night, when he held a lead in several key states, that he won the contest and alleged without evidence, after the count started to swing the other way, that the election was being stolen from him and that fraud had been committed.

Painting the election as a "battle for the soul of the nation," Biden won on a message of unity over division, compassion over anger, and reality over what he called Trump's "wishful thinking" as the coronavirus pandemic cast a heavy shadow over the campaign.

The 2020 election has shattered voting records with votes totaling 147 million and counting, surpassing the 138 million who voted in 2016.


What does Puerto Rico's vote for statehood mean for the island

A majority of Puerto Ricans voted Tuesday on a referendum that would admit the island as an official U.S. state, however experts say the issue will not be resolved anytime soon.

This is the sixth time Puerto Ricans had a choice to make on statehood since 1967, but Republican commissioner, Jenniffer González, said she is ready to take this year's referendum results to Congress.

"We're gonna push for this now, but we're gonna push for this in January, as well. ... It doesn't matter who is the president-elect," she told ABC News on Wednesday.

Political scientist and researcher Carlos Vargas Ramos told ABC News he's doubtful that Congress will take up the referendum.

In the 2012 and 2017 referendums, statehood prevailed. But the legitimacy of the results were questioned due to the confusing configuration of the status question and voter turnout.

Vargas Ramos said the referendum was non-binding and turnout is still an issue.

For this year's vote, 1.2 million people out of the island's 2.3 million eligible voters on cast a ballot on the referendum, according to the election commission's website.

What America can learn from Biden, Harris winning the White House: ANALYSIS

1. In this millennium, Democratic presidential candidates are 3-0 when they have a person of color on the ticket; they are 0-3 when they don't. It's an important indicator of a changing America and its diversity.

2. Once again we see an election where independent voters were the deciding factor in picking the winners across America. No longer are we at a point when either party will steal many votes from the other party. It is independents that swung the elections in 2016, 2018 and 2020.

3. The electoral state landscape again continues to shuffle. Democrats and Republicans would be wise to no longer bet on swing states of the past, but invest more in swing states of the present and future.

4. There are many bright lights -- as well as warning signs -- for both parties from this election. Both parties have work to do if they want to emerge as the true majority party from election to election.

5. Finally, and I noted this after the 2018 election, when issues are put on the ballot divorced from a partisan brand, there is an incredible ability to get voters to support policies outside their partisan boxes.

-ABC News Political Analyst Matthew Dowd

Read the full analysis here.

Joe Biden visits Beau Biden’s grave

Joe Biden visited the grave of his son Beau after attending church with his family on Sunday morning.

Biden was seen walking with his daughter Ashley and grandson Hunter, Beau’s son, toward Beau’s grave after departing church in Wilmington, Delaware, just before 11:30 a.m., according to a pool report.

This was the first time Biden visited his son's grave since Election Day.

Unity and decency prevail for Biden in divided America: ANALYSIS

The year 2020 has been one of the most tumultuous in history -- with a pandemic, an economic collapse, a searing racial reckoning and wild leadership out of the Oval Office.

Biden launched his campaign as a battle for the "soul of America." Winning, though, doesn't come close to ending that battle -- and will test both Biden and his fellow Americans through what promises to be a tense period in the nation and beyond.

Biden's first statement as president-elect sought to strike a note of unity.

"Democracy beats deep in the heart of America," he said in the statement released by his campaign. "With the campaign over, it's time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation. It's time for America to unite. And to heal."

-ABC News Political Director Rick Klein

Read the full analysis here.

ABC News interactive election map

Forecast if Trump or Biden will win the 2020 presidential election with ABC News' interactive election map.

Also, check out the final 2020 presidential election forecast, Senate forecast and House forecast from FiveThirtyEight.