Election 2020 updates: Biden warns of 'dark winter,' pushes masks in pandemic plan

The president-elect emphasized how he would handle the pandemic response.

Joe Biden is set to become the 46th president of the United States, capping a tumultuous and tension-filled campaign during a historic pandemic against President Donald Trump. ABC News characterized Joe Biden as the apparent winner of his home state of Pennsylvania, putting him over the 270 vote threshold needed to capture the presidency.

The hard-fought battle against the president was set against the backdrop of racial unrest and the coronavirus pandemic and bitter divisions among the electorate.

Trump had falsely declared on election night, when he held a lead in several key states, that he won the contest and alleged without evidence, after the count started to swing the other way, that the election was being stolen from him and that fraud had been committed.

Painting the election as a "battle for the soul of the nation," Biden won on a message of unity over division, compassion over anger, and reality over what he called Trump's "wishful thinking" as the coronavirus pandemic cast a heavy shadow over the campaign.

The 2020 election has shattered voting records with votes totaling 147 million and counting, surpassing the 138 million who voted in 2016.


Polls open in 4 states

The polls are opening in Idaho, Nevada, California and Oregon.

 In Election Day spin, Kayleigh McEnany predicts ‘tonight will be a landslide’

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Fox News Tuesday morning that they are predicting a “landslide” victory.

"Under every circumstance our campaign believes that tonight will be a landslide," McEnany said on Election Day.

When asked about Trump continuing to attack the Supreme Court decision on Pennsylvania ballots, McEnany echoed the president's sentiments but said further litigation may not be necessary.

"We'll take our case to the Supreme Court as needed," McEnany said. "We don't think it will come down to that. I predict now we win Nevada, Minnesota. I do believe President Trump has a landslide and this talk of litigation is nothing."

McEnany also blasted former Vice President Joe Biden's schedule saying he is now trying to "catch up with President Trump."

"You have Biden finally out of the basement on Election Day trying to catch up with President Trump," she said. "Voters are wise and smart. They see if Joe Biden would not fight for your vote."

- ABC News’ Elizabeth Thomas

Trump says he will declare victory ‘when there is victory’ 

President Donald Trump called into “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning for his first interview on Election Day.

When asked about reporting that he could try to prematurely declare victory, Trump said he will only declare victory “when there is victory.” He added that “there is no reason to play games,” but was unspecific about what determines victory in his mind.

The president went on to say he thinks he has a “very solid chance at winning.” He then immediately followed that with, “I don’t know what the chances are,” but he said he is basing his confidence in part on his crowd sizes.

On his Election Day plans, the president said that in addition to going to visit his campaign headquarters in Virginia this morning, he’ll be doing a “big series of phone calls” to people who have been loyal to him.

On the specter of civil unrest resulting from the election -- specifically about the possibility of chaos in the streets if he wins again -- Trump said it will all be in “Democrat-run cities” and said that “my side is a very strong side, if they wanted to but they don't like doing that.”

The president also predicted he would be victorious in key states including Texas, Florida, Arizona, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. 
Finally, the president reiterated that he would like the results of the election to be finalized by the end of the day.

“I’d like to find out on November 3rd, the end of the evening or, you know, late into the morning, who won the election," he said.

- ABC News’ Jordyn Phelps and Elizabeth Thomas

Polls open in 7 states

The polls are opening in Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and in several counties in Tennessee.

ABC News interactive election map

Forecast if Trump or Biden will win the 2020 presidential election with ABC News' interactive election map.

Also, check out the final 2020 presidential election forecast, Senate forecast and House forecast from FiveThirtyEight.