Amy Coney Barrett begins Supreme Court confirmation hearing

Here are highlights of how both sides set the stage for questioning.

The high-stakes confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, got underway Monday as Senate Republicans push for a final vote before Election Day despite Democratic calls to let voters decide who should pick a new justice.

Trump nominated Barrett to fill the seat left by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The four days of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, overseen by chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham, are unprecedented, with some members participating virtually and in-person. Barrett will appear at the witness table to face questions each day.

Hearings start at 9 a.m. each day and will be live streamed on ABC News Live.

Barrett, 48, a devout Roman Catholic, was a law clerk to conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, considers him her mentor and follows his originalist interpretation of the Constitution. She practiced law at a Washington firm for two years before returning to her alma mater, Notre Dame Law School, to teach. She was nominated by Trump to the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in May 2017 and confirmed by the Senate that October in a 55-43 vote.


Coons deems Barrett a danger to election, health care and ‘long-settled rights’

Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat, hit on what he called the dangers of holding the hearing after two members of the committee have tested positive for COVID-19 and even more have come in contact with someone who has tested positive in recent days -- calling it a “rushed, hypocritical, partisan process [that] should not proceed.”

“This is an ongoing national emergency and as an exercise in civics, not politics, we in Congress should be working day and night to deliver them that [COVID] relief. Instead my colleagues are barreling forward with a confirmation hearing that's distracting from our responsibility to our constituents and threatens to further tear our nation apart,” Coons said.

Coons added, “Proceeding with this nomination at this time will do harm to what remaining trust we have in each other, the Senate as a whole and potentially to the court itself.”

As with Democrats before him, he humanized the Affordable Care Act by recalling stories of constituents who have relied on the law, and he said he doesn’t think the timing of Judge Barrett's nomination is any “coincidence.”

“It is beyond ironic this administration, which has failed to respond to this pandemic, is rushing through a judge they believe will vote to strip away health care protections,” he said.

“Judge Barrett I'm not suggesting you made some secret deal with President Trump. But I believe the reason you were chosen is precisely because your judicial philosophy as repeatedly stated could lead to the outcomes President Trump has sought. And I think that has dramatic and potentially harmful consequences with regards to the election, the Affordable Care Act and long-settled rights,” he said.

Klobuchar appeals to American people: 'Your health care is on the line'

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., a former prosecutor, took the Democratic case directly to the American people in her opening statement, telling them to call Republican senators and tell them "enough is enough."

“Why, Senator Cruz, does President Trump matter?” she began in response to her GOP colleague immediately preceding her. “He is putting the Supreme Court in place in his words to, quote, ‘look at the ballots,’ end quote.”

“Well, I won't concede that this election is headed to the courts because you know at home exactly what the president is up to. That's why you are voting. That's why you are voting in droves. Why are you voting? Well, you know that your rights, your health care is on the line.”

Klobuchar emphasized that Judge Barrett has been critical on multiple occasions of the court upholding the Affordable Care Act -- and the timing of its oral arguments on its fate on Nov. 10.

“To the women of America, we have come so far and in the name of RBG. We should not go backwards,” she said. "This isn't Donald Trump's country. It is yours.”

“This shouldn't be Donald Trump's judge. It should be yours."

Cruz claims all Republicans support preexisting conditions 

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ticked off a list of Judge Barrett’s accomplishments and gave a misleading statement on where Republicans have historically stood on preexisting conditions.

"Every single member of the Senate agrees that pre-existing conditions can and should be protected. Period. The end,” Cruz said. "There is complete unanimity on this."

But Cruz is the senator whose filibuster in 2013 shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act which covers preexisting conditions.

Cruz, appearing virtually, tested negative for COVID-19 but has been self-quarantining after coming into contact with Lee, who tested positive yet delivered his opening statement in-person and without a mask.

Whitehouse calls Trump ‘an irresponsible botch’

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., deemed Judge Barrett’s nomination and President Donald Trump’s inability to keep the White House safe from COVID-19 both “an irresponsible botch.”

“America is worried about one thing above all else right now and it's our health. This hearing itself is a microcosm of Trump's dangerous ineptitude in dealing with the COVID pandemic. Trump can't even keep the White House safe. Here it's the chairman's job to see to the committee's safety. And though his words were reassuring, I don't know who has been tested,” Whitehouse said, noting that Graham didn't release the results of a second test.

“The whole thing, just like Trump, is an irresponsible botch. The irony is that this slapdash hearing targets the Affordable Care Act,” Whitehouse said.

He went on to say Americans see this nomination as an “ugly hasty hypocritical power grab” and that “they know what it means for their health care in the midst of a pandemic.”

“For Republicans, there is no washing your hands of responsibility for the results that your president has told us will ensue,” he added.

Supreme Court begins new term as Barrett hearings set to begin

The U.S. Supreme Court begins a new term on Monday amidst a raging political battle over an open seat and a high-stakes push by President Donald Trump to have the justices adjudicate a possible contested election.

"Lurking in the background is the possibility this could become the most tumultuous and divisive term since the Supreme Court decided Bush v. Gore 20 years ago," said Irving Gornstein, executive director of the Supreme Court Institute at Georgetown University.

The court will convene as a panel of eight for the first time since the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as they await confirmation of Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett, hearing oral arguments via teleconference that will be livestreamed to the public because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The justices face a fall docket of cases with implications for millions of American families and some of the nation's biggest businesses. They'll address matters of health insurance, use of force by police, military rape claims, religious freedom, grand jury secrecy, robocalls and faith-based foster care.

At the top of the list is a challenge to the Affordable Care Act brought by Texas and 18 Republican-led states backed by the Trump administration to completely invalidate the law, including protections for people with preexisting conditions. It will be argued Nov. 10 and decided by the end of June 2021.

"The stakes of this case have become only higher amidst the global pandemic. One estimate suggests there are 20 million people taking advantage of the exchanges," said University of Chicago law professor Jennifer Nou.

More on other key questions the court will consider this term can be found here.

-ABC News' Devin Dwyer