Trevor Noah: Mitch McConnell 'wasn't trying to find any monsters' under the bed

The FBI investigation into allegations against Kavanaugh only happened as cover.

Kavanaugh has forcefully and emotionally denied all accusations.

"The FBI's report isn't public -- there's only one copy, which can be viewed exclusively by senators," Noah said. "This report was never meant for us. The only reason the GOP allowed the FBI to investigate was to satisfy the concerns of three senators -- Collins, Murkowski and Flake."

Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Jeff Flake of Arizona are seen as potential swing votes in Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

"So," Noah continued, "it doesn't matter that the investigation wasn't thorough. What matters is that it gives these moderate Republicans the cover they need to vote 'yes.'

"Basically, Mitch McConnell conducted the process the same way a parent 'checks' under their kid's bed for monsters. 'All right. There's nothing there. Go to sleep now.' And you could tell McConnell wasn't trying to find any monsters from day one."

Noah played a few press clips of McConnell talking about how he was going to do everything he could to ram through Donald Trump's nominee.

"This was never about process for him," Noah said of McConnell, the Senate majority leader. "It was always about rushing the confirmation through before the midterms."

Noah lamented the fact that McConnell "successfully stole Obama's Supreme Court seat, and now he's bulldozed through the #MeToo movement to get Judge Kegstand onto the Supreme Court."

"I'm an optimist," Noah said, "but it doesn't seem like there's much anybody can do other than wait and see.

"We may as well go out and get drunk ... like Brett Kavanaugh ... and try to forget that this ever happened ... like Brett Kavanaugh."