Trump trial: Biden calls Trump's remarks 'dangerous'

Trump was found guilty on all 34 felony counts in his hush money trial.

Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 felony counts related to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. It marks the first time in history that a former U.S. president has been convicted on criminal charges.

Trump last April pleaded not guilty to a 34-count indictment charging him with falsifying business records in connection with a hush money payment his then-attorney Michael Cohen made to Daniels in order to boost his electoral prospects in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump guilty on all 34 counts


Court reporters read out Pecker testimony about 2015 meeting

The court reporters read out the first portion of the testimony about David Pecker's recollection of the August 2015 Trump Tower meeting.

His testimony is as follows:

At that meeting, Donald Trump and Michael, they asked me what can I do and what my magazines could do to help the campaign. So thinking about it, as I did previously, I said what I would do is I would run or publish positive stories about Mr. Trump and I would publish negative stories about his opponents. And I said that I would also be the eyes and ears of your – I said I would be your eyes and ears because I know that the Trump Organization had a very small staff. And then I said that anything that I hear in the marketplace, if I hear anything negative about yourself or if I hear anything about women selling stories, I would notify Michael Cohen, as I did over the last several years, I would notify Michael Cohen and then he would be able to have them kill in another magazine or have them not be published or somebody would have to purchase them.

Court reporters read out Pecker testimony about McDougal

The court reporters read out the first portion of the testimony about David Pecker's recollection of why the deal to transfer the life rights of Karen McDougal's story to Trump fell through.

His testimony is as follows:

I called Michael Cohen, and I said to him that the agreement, the assignment deal is off. I am not going forward. It is a bad idea, and I want you to rip up the agreement. He was very, very, angry. Very upset. Screaming, basically, at me. And I said, I am not going forward with this agreement. Rip it up. And he said, excuse me, Michael Cohen said, The Boss is going to be very angry at you. I said, I am sorry. I am not going forward. The deal is off. And he said, I can't believe it. I am a lawyer. I am your friend. I don't understand why you are so concerned. I said, I am very concerned, and I am not going forward, period. And I said, are you going to rip it up or not? And he said, I will take care of it.

Court reporters read out Pecker's testimony about Trump call

The court reporters read out the portions of then-National Enquirer publisher David Pecker's testimony about his June 2016 call with Trump, under questioning from prosecutors.

Q: And could you tell us about the conversation you had that day with Donald Trump?

A: Yes. When I got on the phone, Mr. Trump said to me: "I spoke to Michael. Karen is a nice girl." "Is it true that a Mexican group is looking to buy her story for 8 million dollars?" I said -- I said: "I absolutely don't believe that there is a Mexican group out there to buy a story for $8 million dollars." And then he said: "What do you think I should do?" I said: "I think you should buy the story and take it off the market."

Q: So when the subject of Karen McDougal came up, Donald Trump described her as a nice girl?

A: Yes.

Q: Based on your conversation with Mr. Trump, did you have an understanding as to whether he was aware of the specifics of Karen McDougal's description of the affair?

A Yes, I did.

Q: What made you come to such an understanding?

A: I think that Michael Cohen gave him the -- spoke to Donald Trump, which he said he was going to -- which -- excuse me -- which Donald Trump said on the phone that, "I spoke to Michael." And I believe that when Mr. Trump said that to me over the phone that she was a nice girl, I believe that he knew who she was --

Q: Why would you recommend to Donald Trump purchasing the story?

A: I believed the story was true. I think that it would have been very embarrassing to himself and also to his campaign.

Q: After your conversation with Donald Trump, did you have another conversation with Michael Cohen?

A: Yes. On the conversation with Donald Trump, he said to me, clearly, that he doesn't buy stories because it always gets out. And he said to me that Michael Cohen would be calling me. He was going to speak to Michael and he would be calling me back.

A: I said that -- that, "This story about Karen, since she's claiming that she has a relationship with you, should be taken off the market." And Mr. Trump said, "I don't normally -- I don't buy stories because it always gets out." And then I said, "I still think you should buy the story." And Mr. Trump said to me, "I'll speak to Michael, and he'll get back to you."

Q: And so, as you sit here today, you remember that during that conversation, you said to President Trump: It is my understanding that she doesn't want her story published?

A: (Pause). Yes. I did. I remember saying that.

Court reporters begin reading back testimony

Judge Merchan concluded the rereading of the jury instruction. The jury foreman confirmed in open court that the readback of the instructions were responsive to the jury's note.

The court reporters then began reading the transcript portions, with two court reporters role playing the transcript -- one playing the prosecutor and the other playing David Pecker.

Trump looked around, craning his neck, and then began listening to the testimony.

Requested instructions involve drawing evidentiary inferences

The jury specifically requested to hear the portion of the jury instruction that compared the drawing of inferences to concluding that a rain storm had passed outside.

They read as follows:

In evaluating the evidence, you may consider any fact that is proven and any inference which may be drawn from such fact. To draw an inference means to infer, find, conclude that a fact exists or does not exist based upon proof of some other fact or facts.

For example, suppose you go to bed one night when it is not raining and when you wake up in the morning, you look out your window; you do not see rain, but you see that the street and sidewalk are wet, and that people are wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas.

Under those circumstances, it may be reasonable to infer, that is conclude, that it rained during the night. In other words, the fact of it having rained while you were asleep is an inference that might be drawn from the proven facts of the presence of the water on the street and sidewalk, and people in raincoats and carrying umbrellas.

An inference must only be drawn from a proven fact or facts and then only if the inference flows naturally, reasonably, and logically from the proven fact or facts, not if it is speculative. Therefore, in deciding whether to draw an inference, you must look at and consider all the facts in the light of reason, common sense, and experience.