Photo of Duggars’ Stillborn Baby Released - ABC News

Photo of Duggars’ Stillborn Baby Released

                                                                                             Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

Reality-TV stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar found a way to commemorate the life of what would have been their 20th child had Michelle not miscarried last week during her second trimester: They handed out black-and-white photos of the stillborn baby girl at a memorial service Wednesday.

TMZ posted the pictures of Jubilee Shalom Duggar, the name the Duggars had given their baby daughter in keeping with the family tradition of beginning all the children's names with the letter  "J."

In one of the pictures, obtained by TMZ, a tiny hand can be seen propped up on Michelle's finger with the words, "Michelle holding Jubilee's hand."

In another picture, a tiny foot can be seen with the words, "There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world."

The Duggars contacted Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a non-profit organization that helps families deal with the miscarriage and loss of their babies, to take photos the family could keep and use at the memorial service, according to People magazine. A family representative said the photos were intended for private use only and that some were released without the Duggars' consent.

At Wednesday's memorial service, attended by hundreds in the Duggars' hometown Springdale, Ark., a letter Michelle Duggar, 45, recorded for Jubilee was played at the memorial, People reported.

"I feel a great sorrow and grief, and yet at the same time I have a peace in my heart," she said, according to the magazine. "This is so sad, but I have peace. There are people praying for us and angels surrounding our home, and there was peace in the sorrow and the grief. Those feelings are mingled together."

The magazine said the couple discovered that Jubilee no longer had a heartbeat during a routine doctor's appointment Dec. 8. Then, the mother had a miscarriage Dec. 11, the day after their youngest child, Josie, who was born premature at 25 weeks, turned 2.

Michelle Duggar was cared for by family members at home after the diagnosis, but was taken to a nearby hospital Sunday after she reported feeling lightheaded.

That Michelle Duggar had even become pregnant for the 20th time grabbed headlines when the family announced the news in November. She had suffered a previous miscarriage in her second pregnancy.

The Duggars are stars of the TLC hit reality-TV show "19 Kids and Counting."