Lady Gaga Launches Born This Way Foundation - ABC News

Lady Gaga Launches Born This Way Foundation

Credit: Charles Krupa/AP Photo.

Lady Gaga formally launched her Born This Way Foundation on Wednesday at Harvard University, declaring its goal to "challenge meanness and cruelty by inspiring young people to create a support system in their respective communities."

Gaga noted that the foundation is not meant to solely combat bullying - a favorite cause of hers - but rather to empower youth and promote bravery. She told a crowd of more than 1,000 people, "When you see someone being negative to somebody else, it's OK to intervene and stand up for someone that needs it … I don't believe that one person can change the world. I believe that humankind, as a whole, can change the world."

When asked why she feels that she is the one who will be able to enact such a change, Gaga laughed, "I guess I sort of have this feeling that if I can make a song called 'Just Dance' really big all over the world, I might be able to make a song that's, you know, 'Just Be Nice!'"

As part of her efforts to promote unity, Gaga said a "Born Brave Bus" will follow her tour bus around the country and invite anyone, "from any walk of life," to meet with others and discuss love, acceptance and kindness. She said fans can hang out at the "Born Brave Bus" even if they don't have tickets to her concerts.

Gaga - who wore a sleeveless long brown dress, brown see-through mesh gloves, and a huge, sparkly, winged headpiece made out of netting - was joined by her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, who will serve as the foundation's president.

Also on hand were Oprah Winfrey, inspirational speaker Deepak Chopra and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.