One-Minute Theft Nets $5M in Jewelry From Atlanta Store - ABC News

One-Minute Theft Nets $5M in Jewelry From Atlanta Store

In little more than one minute, three thieves plundered nearly $5 million worth of jewelry from an Atlanta store, with the entire heist caught on tape by surveillance cameras.

The video shows three masked men rushing into the Elif Fine Jewelry store in the uptown Buckhead neighborhood around 11 a.m. Nov. 7. Working quickly, the robbers proceeded to smash several display cases with hammers, grabbing watches, rings and bracelets.

"You get the impression that these suspects knew what they were doing," Sgt. Gregory Lyon of the Atlanta Police Department told ABC News affiliate WSB-TV.

At one point in the footage, one of the robbers appears to threaten a store employee to move into a rear room, the intruders are then seen exiting the store with their loot.

Atlanta police say it took three robbers less than a minute to steal $5 million dollars worth of jewelry. Credit: WSB/ABC News

No one was injured during the heist but, according to a police report obtained by WSB-TV, one of the robbers threatened to shoot store employees if they didn't lie face down in a rear room.

Police say they have released the surveillance video in hopes someone will recognize any of the robbers.

"The men are masked so it's difficult to make out their faces," Sgt. Lyon told WSB-TV. "But we're still hoping that by releasing the video someone out there will be able to help us out."