Sgt. Dakota Meyer Grabs a Beer With President Obama - ABC News

Sgt. Dakota Meyer Grabs a Beer With President Obama

Photo courtesy: White House/Flickr

Sgt. Dakota Meyer can cross two things off the bucket list — receiving the Medal of Honor for his courageous actions in war, and now, having a beer with the president of the United States.

Meyer sat down with the president for a beer Wednesday outside the Oval Office, a day before he is due to be honored in a ceremony at the White House. He is the 10th recipient — and the third living — of the Medal of Honor for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

During a call with the president’s staff in preparation for Thursday’s ceremony, Meyer asked if he could have a beer with the president. When the president heard about the request, he invited Meyer to stop by.

Meyer is being honored for saving 36 lives during an ambush in September 2009 — 13 Marines and Army soldiers, along with 23 Afghan soldiers, despite being wounded himself.