Happy National Hippo Day! We're celebrating with the world-famous Fiona hippo

Ready to party like a hippoPARTYmus?

Happy National Hippo Day! We're celebrating with the world-famous Fiona hippo
ABC News Photo Illustration, Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardeninto
February 15, 2019, 4:03 PM


We're celebrating with Fiona, the Cincinnati Zoo's world-famous 2,000 pound toddler!

Born on January 24, 2017, Fiona is the first Nile Hippo to be born at the Cincinnati Zoo in 75 years. She arrived 6 weeks premature and is the smallest hippo ever to survive.

The Cincinnati Zoo says, "Fiona weighed 29 pounds when she was born, which is about 25 pounds lighter than the lowest recorded birth weight for this species. The normal range is 55-120 pounds."

#TeamFiona fans have no problem showing off the fact that they just love her a ton as she's taken social media by storm:

"Weighing up to 8,000 pounds, the hippo is the heaviest land animal after the elephant," according to the World Wildlife Fund.

National Hippo Day raises awareness for hippopotami around the world who's population has declined in recent years. The hippo species is listed as having a "Vulnerable" status, while specifically the pygmy hippo is listed as Endangered.

Supporters of hippos around the world are partying like a hippoPARTYmus and celebrating #NationalHippoDay!

National Hippo Day makes a splash on February 15th every year.