'Come Together' at Dinner Parties to Battle Hunger

"GMA" teams with Macy's and Feeding America to help fight hunger this fall.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 13, 2009, 7:47 PM

Sept. 14, 2009 — -- After six weeks of dinner parties, the "Come Together" project managed to raise over 7 million meals to battle hunger. But since the goal was 10 million, Macy's is stepping up to provide an additional nearly three million meals, Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren said today.

Right now roughly one out of 10 people -- men, women and children -- do not have enough food, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But there's a new weapon in the fight against hunger: donation dinner parties.

"Good Morning America" teamed up with Macy's and Feeding America as part of the "Come Together" project. The goal of the initiative was to feed millions of Americans by encouraging people to throw dinner parties at which guests are invited to donate to Feeding America.

Macy's matched donations dollar for dollar until the goal of ten million meals is reached, not to mention the nearly three million additional meals promised today.

"So for $1, that will make seven meals," Macy's executive Martine Reardon told "Good Morning America." "So if you think about that, if you just raise $10 at one of your dinner parties, you will have contributed 70 meals to this campaign."

Click here to learn the three ways you can participate.

Click here to learn more about the "Come Together" project at the Macy's Web site.

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