The Note: Trump’s messages are loud and clear

President Donald Trump is hardly a subtle person.

June 1, 2018, 5:55 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

President Donald Trump is hardly a subtle person. And he's spent a whole lot of time sending messages – loud and clear ones – in recent days.

There's the message sent by pardons, both issued and suggested, that loyalties can be rewarded and scores can be settled.

There's the message sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, that he's still not happy with his performance, and to special counsel Robert Mueller, whose timeline remains under close White House scrutiny.

There are the many messages to the media, including one wrapped up in a semi-response to the cancelling of "Roseanne."

And there are messages about the truth, and Trump's attitude toward it. The president is keeping "Spygate" alive, maintaining a story about the firing of James Comey that he himself has refuted, and blaming political enemies for immigration policy decisions his own administration is making.

The biggest message? Trump considers this his world - a world where he does not have to invite others in.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

This week, Democrats played offense as well as defense.

Around the country, Democrats pushed back on the Trump administration's new zero tolerance policy and surprising, drastic escalation in the number of children separated from their parents who are accused of crossing the border illegally. They demanded Cabinet officials give legal or national security rationales.

A Honduran mother walks with her children next to the U.S.-Mexico border fence as they turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents on February 22, 2018 near Penitas, Texas.
John Moore/Getty Images

In Washington, congressional Democrats with access to classified briefings related to the special counsel investigation called hogwash on the president's claims about possible wrongdoing and did so loudly enough that some of their Republican counterparts eventually agreed they had seen nothing to back Trump's claims.

Then in the states like Virginia and New Jersey, where recent voting has shifted the balance of power blue, Democrats reminded the country that elections have consequences. Virginia this week became the latest state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, while New Jersey created its own individual health insurance mandate to shore up part of the federal law that was subject to a partial repeal.

The TIP with Benjamin Siegel

House Speaker Paul Ryan may not be running for re-election, but he’s still working to make sure Republicans keep control of the House in November, spending the recess week on a $1.5 million fundraising tour.

This week he traveled to three states for fundraisers and events with House Republicans in New York, Ohio and Indiana, including Reps. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, and Jim Banks, R-Ind.

Speaker of the House Republican Paul Ryan speaks at an enrollment ceremony for three bills passed by Congress in the past week on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, May 24,2018.
Michael Reynolds/EPA via Shutterstock

Ryan’s four-state swing - ending with events in North Carolina next week for House Republicans and the state delegation - will pull in a total of $1.5 million for House Republicans.

"House Republicans continue to gain momentum thanks to this booming economy, which is spurred by our party’s pro-growth agenda and the new tax law that’s saving money for middle-class families," said Jeremy Adler, Ryan’s political spokesman. "Speaker Ryan will continue to ‘run through the tape,’ crisscrossing the country through November to sell this positive message and defend the GOP majority."

Ryan has raised $54 million in the 2018 election cycle through the first quarter of the year, with more than $40 million going to the National Republican Congressional Committee, continuing his prolific and record-breaking fundraising for the GOP even though he won’t be on the ballot in Wisconsin in November.


  • The president participates in a U.S. Coast Guard Change of Command ceremony this morning at 11 a.m. EDT.
  • President Trump meets with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 1 p.m. EDT and then heads to Camp David for the weekend.
  • Defense Secretary James Mattis gives remarks at a plenary session in Singapore on U.S. and Asia Pacific security at 8:30 p.m. EDT.
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder will be at "Politics and Eggs" at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, beginning at 10:00 a.m. EDT.
  • This Week on ‘This Week': The Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, with ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl, former New Jersey Governor and ABC News Contributor Chris Christie, Republican Strategist and Bush White House Political Affairs Director Sara Fagen, Democratic Strategist and former Clinton Campaign Spokesperson Karen Finney, and Open Society Foundations President and Obama White House Political Affairs Director Patrick Gaspard.

    "There is no Republican Party. There's a Trump party. The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere." — Former House Speaker John Boehner during a panel discussion Thursday at the Mackinac Policy Conference in Detroit.


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    NPR breaks down 4 questions that could determine which party controls the House after the 2018 midterms, as Republicans are beginning to see small signs of optimism amidst a Democratic push for a blue wave.

    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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