Waving Bear Becomes Internet Sensation - ABC News

Waving Bear Becomes Internet Sensation

A friendly wave from a giant bear is all it took to make one young girl's day.

Now, the YouTube video that captured that friendly wave has made the bear an Internet sensation.

In the seven-second video, a young girl visiting the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, Wash., waves hello from her car window to one of the farm's giant, Kodiak bears.

To her astonishment, and delight, the bear leans back on his hind legs and, just as excitedly, waves back.

The friendly encounter was recorded last year but has become a hit on YouTube today, where it has now been viewed more than one million times.

If it may seem odd to see a giant bear wave to a human, this particular bear has show business in its blood.

Its home, the Olympic Game Farm, is a park for retired show animals that have previously worked in TV, films and at theme parks.

The farm worked exclusively for Walt Disney Studios for 28 years, providing animal actors for productions like "The Incredible Journey,""White Wilderness" and the "Grizzly Adams" television and movie series, according to its website.

In 1972, the farm opened its doors to the public and now offers tours, a petting farm and educational activities, in addition to caring for the animals that call it home.