Jennifer Aniston Touts 'Yogalosophy' for Stunning Figure - ABC News

Jennifer Aniston Touts 'Yogalosophy' for Stunning Figure

Jennifer Aniston is one of the hottest stars on the red carpet, whose every haircut is documented, her easy sense of style emulated and her stunning silhouette always envied.

But now, the big secret out on how Aniston stays so beautiful, being revealed in "Yogalosophy," a 28-day program by Aniston's longtime friend and yoga instructor, Mandy Ingber.

"It's yoga paired with toning exercises, so people who were bored with yoga might try it, or people that were really into yoga might get a little extra workout," Ingber told ABC News.

Aniston and Ingber practice the exercises about three times a week, which Ingber says is "a good baseline for anything that you're wanting to do regularly."

The tree pose is Aniston's favorite.

"She's really good at it," said Ingber. "It's the ability to be able to find your sense of focus in the middle of a lot that's going on. It runs right through the center of the body."

At the core of Ingber's fitness philosophy are five objectives:

1. Love your body.

2. Set short-term goals.

3. Make healthy choices.

4. Visualize your best.

5. Give and receive support.

"The thing about yoga is that once you start, developing that mindfulness and that sense of connection to your body, you just want to make healthier choices," Ingber explained.

And although yoga is obviously very helpful, Ingber doesn't consider it a replacement for cardiovascular exercise.

"I think that's important, too," she notes.