Sarah Palin Talks About Her ‘Plan’ but Does Not Announce in Iowa - ABC News

Sarah Palin Talks About Her ‘Plan’ but Does Not Announce in Iowa

ABC News’ Sheila Marikar reports:

Sarah Palin’s Iowa speech sounded a lot like a stump speech.

She made frequent references to “my plan” — “My plan is a bona-fide pro-working man’s plan and it deals in reality … My plan is about empowerment, empowerment of our states, empowerment of our entrepreneurs … empowerment of you, our hard-working individuals”

Her mention of the “challenge of who and what will replace” Obama brought the crowd to their feet.

She also threw in a few “Palinisms”:

About polls, she said, “they’re for strippers and cross country skiers.”

She dubbed the president’s handling of the economy as “Obama’s bullet train to bankruptcy.”

It seemed like she was about to announce something.

But she did not.

She thanked Iowa and walked off stage a few minutes ago.