Bachmann Criticizes Bush for ‘Socialism’ in New Memoir

In a soon-to-be published memoir, GOP candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann accuses former President George W. Bush of “socialism” for his 2007 decision to bail out financial institutions teetering on collapse, according to reports.
“The Bush administration, which had always professed faith in the free-market system, was now reversing its course,” Bachmann writes in “Core of Conviction,” a memoir to be released Nov. 15, according to Fox News, which obtained a copy.
In the book, she criticizes Bush and then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, who pushed for the $700 billion TARP program for “embracing a kind of ‘bailout socialism.’”
She said it was “painful” when GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain supported the bailout and called it “disappointing” when then House Minority leader Rep. John Boehner also backed the legislation, according to Fox.
“I believe that had McCain opposed the bailout — if he had made a clean break, opposing Paulson and standing for principle at that crucial moment — he could have changed the 2008 election,” Bachmann writes.
The Minnesota congresswoman is otherwise full of praise for both Bush and Boehner.
Bachmann describes Bush as “an eminently decent man … a good listener … kind, affable, the opposite of egocentric.”
She remembers watching Boehner, now the House speaker and famous for his cigarette habit, lighting up in 2006, when he came to Minnesota to campaign for her.
“As he lit up a cigarette on the porch,” she wrote, “I suddenly realized who he reminded me of — the TV singer and movie star Dean Martin!”
Bachmann, however, saves her most critical language for President Obama, accusing him of bolstering “moochers” and “hustlers” directing federal money to “political allies” and liberal activist groups.
“Those in the Obama administration didn’t care where the stimulus money was going,” she writes. “What really mattered was spreading money to their friends and political allies — the big-city liberal mayors, the [community organizer] Saul Alinksy nostalgists, the ACORN activists, the taxpayer-subsidy-dependent green-jobs propagandists, and all the other moochers, hustlers and rent seekers demanding ‘a place at the table’ when liberals control the White House.”
“Core of Conviction,” published by Penguin’s Sentinel imprint, is be released Nov. 21.