'Don't Re-Nig in 2012': Maker of Racist Anti-Obama Sticker Shuts Down Site

Stumpy Sticker
A photograph of a bumper sticker that features a racist play on words lit up Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere Thursday, adding to what is already shaping up to be one of the most vicious and negative presidential races in history.
The sticker reads "Don't Re-Nig In 2012? and sits above a smaller text that reads: "Stop repeat offenders. Don't re-elect Obama!"
The design seems to have originated from a site called Stumpy's Stickers, which has since been dismantled. The site featured similar stickers for sale, including a picture of an ape that reads, "Obama 2012?; a drawing of the Confederate flag with the message "If this flag has offended you, then it made my day!"; and another that features members of the Ku Klux Klan and reads, "The Original Boys In The Hood."
ABC tried to access the website Friday morning, but the email address has been suspended, and the person(s) responsible for the website has not been identified.
The photograph went viral when it was posted to Facebook on Thursday afternoon.