Obama Chat with 'Pimp with the Limp' DJ Laz Airs on 9/11 Morn - ABC News

Obama Chat with 'Pimp with the Limp' DJ Laz Airs on 9/11 Morn

President Obama was heard on the South Florida airwaves this 9/11 Anniversary morning in a 10-minute radio interview with Miami's "Pimp with the Limp" DJ Laz from 106.7 WRMA-FM.

"You're big time. You've got Pitbull and Flo Rida and all these guys just beating a path to your door," Obama said, buttering up Laz. "And so I'm hoping that I can get a little of that magic from you in this interview."

The two talked tunes, TV, football and top topics of the 2012 campaign. Obama did not mention the terror attacks that took place 11 years ago today, a fact his critics were quick to point out.

He "avoided talking about 9/11 on 9/11's anniversary, but made time to mock the Dolphins bad record," noted the Miami Herald.

Some Republicans circulated a link to the Herald article to claim that Obama was being disrespectful of the anniversary with the lighthearted banter and inappropriately injected politics into what has traditionally been an apolitical day.

It turns out, however, that President Obama was not speaking live. The interview had been pre-taped and was supposed to air on Monday, an Obama campaign official told ABC News.

Guidance from the president's campaign sent to reporters over the weekend shows that the president conducted the interview around noon on Sunday during a stop in Melbourne, Fla. Aides said at the time that it was to be embargoed until air on Monday morning.

A spokeswoman for WRMA-FM confirmed that the interview was taped Sunday but did not explain why it was held until Tuesday.

The president has been regularly conducting local TV and radio interviews during his visits to battleground states, often talking about lighter subjects - pop culture, food and sports - in addition to major policy items in an effort to bolster his popular appeal.

You can listen to the full interview HERE.

This post has been updated.