Opening Day Oops: Hostess Seems to Confuse Baseball With Football in Tweet

"Umm ... did you mean 'home run?'" one user asked the bakery brand.

ByABC News
April 6, 2015, 1:15 PM
This image was posted Hostess Snacks twitter, April 6, 2015, with the caption "It's here and we couldn't be filled with more sweet joy. #OpeningDay".
This image was posted Hostess Snacks twitter, April 6, 2015, with the caption "It's here and we couldn't be filled with more sweet joy. #OpeningDay".

— -- TOUCHDOWN! ... in baseball?

Hostess has social media users confused after it tweeted a photo of a baseball-themed version of its CupCakes on a red background with the word "TOUCHDOWN" underneath.

Hostess appeared to be referring to Major League’s Baseball opening day today, saying, “It's here and we couldn't be filled with more sweet joy. #OpeningDay.”

But the "TOUCHDOWN" in the embedded image was throwing everyone off.

"Umm... shouldn't that be ‘Home run’?" a user under the name Tom Misson asked.

It turns out the joke's actually on people who think Hostess made a mistake.

"The 'Touchdown' line was intentional,' Hostess told ABC News in a statement via email today. "It's fun and aimed at young audiences who are in on the running joke -- which, of course, is the goalllll."