Muhammad Is Gulf War Vet, Expert Marksman
Oct. 25 -- The older of the two suspects in the Washington, D.C.-area sniper attacks is a Gulf War veteran who qualified as an "expert" rifle marksman but faced two courts-martial and has a tumultuous past that includes allegations of kidnapping and domestic abuse.
Investigators are cobbling together clues from records and personal accounts of neighbors, family and friends about the personalities of John Allen Muhammad, 41, and John Lee Malvo, a 17-year-old Jamaican citizen whom Muhammad often described as his son or stepson.
Born in Louisiana on Dec. 31, 1960, Muhammad legally changed his name from John Allen Williams last year. He had converted to Islam some years ago.
Muhammad joined the Army National Guard in Louisiana in 1978, and moved to the active Army in 1985. He served as an Army combat engineer in the 1991 Gulf War. He eventually attained the rank of sergeant (E-5), and received an honorable discharge on April 25, 1994, from Fort Lewis in Washington state, Pentagon sources said.
That, however, did not end his association with the military. Muhammad joined the Army National Guard in Oregon in 1995 and served for a year. Again, he left with an honorable discharge.
Pentagon sources said his military record shows Muhammad qualified as an "expert" marksman with his engineering unit.
"Expert" is the highest rating of marksmanship. Lower ratings are "marksman," and "sharpshooter." To qualify as an expert, an applicant must, in a timed sequence, hit 36 of 40 targets at a variety of ranges from 50 meters to 300 meters.
Military officials said most soldiers eventually earn an expert rating.
Troubled Marriages, Custody Disputes
But over the past few years, his personal life appeared to be spinning out of control. Court records and accounts from his family and friends paint a picture of a man deeply troubled by family problems and failed business dealings.
Muhammad has two failed marriages behind him. In 1981, he married a woman now known as Carol Williams. Her sister Jackie married Muhammad's brother, Edward Williams.