Michigan state legislature closes offices due to 'credible threats of violence'

Law enforcement recommended the Michigan legislature close its offices.

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 39 days.


Trump brings GOP along in dangerous final acts: Analysis

From the technical standpoint of a transition of power, the public opinion of congressional Republicans about whether Biden will take office Jan. 20 matters almost not at all.

From the broader standpoint of democracy and faith in elections, it could not hardly matter more at this moment.

The process that so many Republicans have been saying they want to play out is rather thoroughly exhausted already. The next seven days bring significant deadlines, with Tuesday's congressional "safe harbor" deadline for state election results and next Monday's Electoral College voting the most significant.

His tweets and the 101 minutes Trump spent airing grievances and falsehoods in Georgia Saturday night made clear he will pursue his dangerous fictions right through the end of his presidency. The good of the Republican Party -- and, of course, the good of the country -- are, at best, secondary considerations for the president at this point.

Some Republicans are trying to reframe questions about Biden's legitimacy as president-elect as though they are merely asking questions. Their suggestion is that democracy is threatened if people believe election irregularities have been ignored.

But far from being brushed aside, Trump's claims have been rejected in courthouses and state houses -- including by Republicans who have found themselves targeted by the president.

Ignoring that fact only sows more doubt in election integrity and legitimacy. And continuing to give Trump space to make wildly inaccurate and irresponsible claims will only solidify his hold on a party whose best interests have already begun to diverge from the president's.

-ABC News' Political Director Rick Klein

Overview: Trump holds 'vaccine summit,' Biden introduces health care team 

Trump and Biden hold dueling events on the pandemic response Tuesday with the president hosting a "vaccine summit" at the White House, just days before a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee holds a hearing on whether to authorize emergency use of a COVID-19 vaccine, while the president-elect is slated to formally roll out his health care picks who will take over handling the COVID-19 pandemic in 43 days.

At his event, Trump is slated to sign an executive order touting his mantra of "America First" that would prioritize Americans’ access to COVID-19 vaccines before the United States helps other countries. But the chief science adviser to "Operation Warp Speed," the U.S. government's initiative to expedite vaccine development which Trump is also expected to tout, said Tuesday morning he doesn't know about the vaccine-related executive order Trump is expected to sign.

"Frankly, I don't know and, frankly, I'm staying out of this. I can't comment," Dr. Moncef Slaoui told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an interview Tuesday on "Good Morning America,” when asked to explain the executive order.

The event comes as a senior administration official familiar with the matter confirmed reporting to ABC News that the Trump Administration passed when Pfizer offered in later summer to sell the U.S. more COVID-19 vaccine doses -- an approach which the White House has denied and Slaoui defended Tuesday. Representatives of Pfizer and Moderna -- the two drug companies seeking emergency-use authorization -- are not expected to attend the White House summit, nor is anyone from the Biden transition team.

Biden, meanwhile, is slated to introduce the health care team he will entrust with handling the pandemic California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as Health and Human Services secretary, the first Latino to hold the post if confirmed. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is taking on the elevated role of chief medical adviser to Biden in the incoming administration, is expected to dial into Biden’s meeting, though not the one at the White House.

Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are also meeting Tuesday with several civil rights leaders including NAACP representatives to discuss policy issues around racial equity as well as diversity and representation on the incoming Cabinet. It comes after news leaked that Biden is expected to name retired four-star Army Gen. Lloyd Austin as his defense secretary, who would be the first African American in the post if confirmed, this week.

Tuesday is also the congressionally mandated "safe harbor" deadline -- the date, under federal law, by which the "final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment" of electors "shall be conclusive” -- making it extremely difficult to dispute election results in the courts, where pro-Trump efforts have seen at least 39 defeats to date.