Pence, Harris face off in VP debate with diverging views of America

Highlights from the first and only matchup between Biden, Trump's running mates

With plexiglass and more than 12 feet of distance separating them, Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic nominee Sen. Kamala Harris of California debated in Salt Lake City in the first and only one-on-one matchup between the vice presidential candidates.

The showdown came as President Donald Trump and several in his orbit have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, raising questions on a transfer of power to the vice president were Trump at 74 -- or Democratic nominee Joe Biden at 77 -- to become too ill to serve.

The debate's format was divided into nine 10-minute sections with each candidate having two minutes to respond to the opening question in each segment and the remaining time allowed for follow ups. Moderator Susan Page, Washington Bureau chief of USA Today, did not release the topics in advance.

The sole vice presidential debate follows Trump and Biden's chaotic debate last week in Cleveland.


Harris, Pence square off on reliability of COVID-19 vaccine

During the first open discussion session, Page asked Harris if she would take a COVID-19 vaccine if it was approved by the Trump administration.

"If the public health professionals -- if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely," Harris said. "But if Donald Trump tells us I should take it -- that we should take it, I'm not taking it."

Page tried to move on to the next topic -- the role of the vice president -- but Pence used his uninterrupted two minutes to respond to Harris' comment on a potential vaccine and to criticize how the Obama administration handled the Swine Flu or H1N1 pandemic of 2009.

"We have five companies in phase three clinical trials and we're right now producing tens of millions of doses," the vice president said.  "So, the fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if a vaccine emerges during the trump administration, I think is unconscionable."

"And senator, I just ask you, stop playing politics with peoples' lives. The reality is, that we will have a vaccine, we believe, before the end of this year," he added.

Pence addresses White House practices that fly in face of COVID-19 protocols 

In light of the president's recent diagnosis, Page directly asked Pence, "How can you expect Americans to follow the administration's safety guidelines to protect themselves from COVID when you at the White House have not been doing so?"

"Well, the American people have demonstrated over the last eight months that, when given the facts, they're willing to put the health of their families and their neighbors and people they don't know first," Pence said.

Pence also addressed the Sept. 26 Rose Garden event during which social distancing and masks weren't enforced and after which several White House officials tested positive.

"Many of the people who were at that event, Susan, actually were tested for coronavirus, and it was an outdoor event which all of our scientists regularly and routinely advise," Pence said. "The difference here is, President Trump and I trust the American people to make choices in the best interest of their health."

Pence responds to Harris’ criticism of the administration’s COVID response

Pence defended the White House's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that Trump "has put the health of America first." Pence pointed to the administration's early ban on travel to China, testing efforts and the efforts to research and administer a vaccine.

Pence also went after the plan the Biden campaign released to combat coronavirus, saying "it reads an awful lot like what President Trump and I, and our task force, have been doing every step of the way."

He said that the plan "looks a little bit like plagiarism," because of its similarity to the White House Coronavirus Task Force plan.

Harris hit back at Pence, citing the revelations that Trump downplayed the coronavirus to prevent panic.

"I want to ask the American people, how calm were you when you were panicked about where you were going to get your next roll of toilet paper, how calm were you when your kids were were sent home from school? How calm were you when your children couldn't see your parents because they were afraid they could kill them?" she said.

Trump plots return to campaign trail despite COVID-19 diagnosis

Trump's re-election campaign is looking to have the president return the campaign trail early next week, despite his COVID-19 diagnosis last Thursday and hospital stay over the weekend.

The campaign was forced to cancel five previously announced rallies due to the president's testing positive. Multiple sources tell ABC News the Trump team has begun working to nail down details for the president's return to the campaign trail and has considered an event -- possibly in Pennsylvania -- as early as next Monday.

ABC News' Will Steakin, Katherine Faulders and John Santucci

Pence vs. Harris on the issues: Criminal justice reform

Pence has stood by and pushed the Trump campaign message of "law and order" and has remained a vigorous defender of police. In an interview with ABC News Live Anchor Linsey Davis, Pence said that he and Trump "reject the notion from Joe Biden and others that there's an 'implicit bias' towards minorities in law enforcement."

"The president and I know we don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement and supporting all of the families that live in our major cities," Pence told a crowd of supporters in Lititz, Pennsylvania. "We have done both for the last three and a half years, and we're going to support law enforcement and support our African American and minority families for four more years in the White House."

The vice president has dismissed the "defund the police" movement and has called for more resources and better training and accountability in law enforcement.

On matters of racial discrimination in policing and use of force, Harris has called for the rooting out of racial discrimination. In the aftermath of George Floyd's killing while in police custody she participated in protests in Washington, D.C.

During an appearance on ABC's "The View" in June, Harris was asked by co-host Meghan McCain if she supports the "Defund the Police" slogan, but did not give a direct answer on where she stands.

"We need to re-imagine how we are achieving public safety in America. And to have cities where one-third of their entire budget is going to policing but yet there's a dire need in those same cities for mental health resources, for resources going into public schools, for resources going into job training and job creation. Come on. We have to be honest about this that there isn't a consensus around this because if there were, we would actually see a smarter distribution of resources in our country to address the issues that need to be addressed."

After the shooting by police of Jacob Blake, she met with Blake's family in Wisconsin and spoke with Blake over the phone. She also told NBC News, "I think that there should be a thorough investigation, and based on what I've seen, it seems that the officer should be charged." She's also kept in contact with Tamika Palmer, the mother of Breonna Taylor who was shot by Louisvill, Kentucky, police while she was sleeping in her home.

Harris has called for economic and educational investment in communities of color to create safer, healthier communities. She and Biden have called for an end to no-knock warrants, chokeholds and carotid holds. They want to create a national excessive force standard and create a database to track cops who use excessive force and break the rules. The pair want to end cash bail and private prisons.

"We have to understand that you can't think that the only way to create safe communities is to put more police on the streets, that's not how it's going to work," Harris told pop star Lizzo on an Instagram Live stream in September.

In contrast, Harris wrote in her 2009 book "Smart on Crime," "if we take a show of hands of those who would like to see more police officers on the street, mine would shoot up."

-ABC News' Justin Gomez and Averi Harper