US royal wedding guest says being invited is a 'tremendous honor': COLUMN

Diana Roday Hosford is the vice president of sports and entertainment for TAPS.

ByDiana Roday Hosford via GMA logo
May 16, 2018, 3:57 AM

ABC News asked several royal wedding guests to write about when they found out they were receiving invitations to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding on May 19. On their special day, the couple had asked to meet with representatives of charities for which Harry has served as patron. Diana Roday Hosford is the vice president of sports and entertainment for TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors), a group that offers support for those grieving the loss of a military loved one. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of ABC News.

It is a tremendous honor to be attending the royal wedding celebrations representing TAPS, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.

Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors, TAPS, is a group that offers support for those grieving the loss of a military loved one.
Courtesy TAPS

The invitation came about because we've been working in partnership with the Diana Award, a U.K.-based charity honoring the Princess of Wales and her belief that children have the power to change the world.It was such a lovely surprise when Tessy Ojo, the CEO of the Diana Award, told us we were going to be invited as the only American charity on the Diana Award invitation list. In preparation, I have been reading a lot, listening to podcasts and taking in all of the news and excitement from across the globe for this wonderful celebration of love.

Tessy Ojo, the CEO of the Diana Award, (L) is seen here with Diana Roday Hosford (C) and Bonnie Carroll (R), TAPS founder and a 2015 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Inviting members of the community and those connected to the prince's charities is very much in line with the way Princess Diana lived and served, connecting with those in need, lending her voice, a place on her global platform, and a place in her heart.

These invitations pay tribute to Princess Diana's contribution to the community of humanity. What a beautiful way to honor her and her legacy.

Diana Roday Hosford is seen here with a TAPS child at an NBA All-Star game in an undated handout photo.
Courtesy TAPS

Other than how did TAPS get invited, the question I get asked most: What are you going to wear?

Thankfully, I was helped by a few friends and an amazing stylist, Sandra O. at Macys Herald Square and will be wearing all American designers.

I have purposely included little touches of symbolism for TAPS and the families of the fallen. My mother and my daughter helped me select some special pieces of family jewelry and my husband made some suggestions, too. Even my clutch bag was designed by a dear friend, Alexandra Clancy, widow of Tom Clancy, who like all my dear friends will be excited to see me head off to England.