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James Gordon Meek

James Gordon Meek
James Gordon Meek is an award-winning investigative journalist and former Senior Counterterrorism Advisor and Investigator for the House Committee on Homeland Security. He... Read More »
James Gordon Meek is an award-winning investigative journalist and former Senior Counterterrorism Advisor and Investigator for the House Committee on Homeland Security. He has covered the rise of Al Qaeda since 1998, from the Millennium Plot to reporting from the ground outside the Pentagon after a hijacked plane hit it on Sept. 11, 2001, and on combat patrols with Special Operators and U.S. infantrymen in Afghanistan. James has looked terrorists in the eye such as 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed at Guantanamo, "shoe bomber" Richard Reid and Jose Padilla inside the "Supermax" federal prison, and Zacarias Moussaoui in a Virginia courtroom. He has broken major exclusives such as a plot to bomb New York City tunnels, and he waged a five-year investigation into the fratricide death in Iraq of a G.I. he knew, Pfc. David H. Sharrett II, which resulted in the commanders responsible being held accountable.« Read Less
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Results 1 - 10 of 424 for byline:James Gordon Meek
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ISIS 'Beatle' accused of murdering Americans found guilty on all charges
By James Gordon Meek
April 14, 2022 Story from International James Gordon Meek , ABC News
Accused ISIS 'Beatle,' on trial for brutal kidnappings, faces mothers of American victims
By James Gordon Meek
April 6, 2022 Story from US James Gordon Meek , ABC News
Vets ask Pentagon leader to take new look at Niger probe after '3212 Unredacted' film
By James Gordon Meek
December 16, 2021 Story from Politics James Gordon Meek , ABC News
Wife of al-Qaida hostage says U.S. effort to free him has failed, pleads with captors
By James Gordon Meek
November 18, 2021 Story from US James Gordon Meek , ABC News
ABC News documentary challenges Pentagon's claims of rogue Green Berets
By James Gordon Meek, Andrew Fredericks and Brian Epstein
November 13, 2021 Story from International James Gordon Meek, Andrew Fredericks, Brian Epstein , ABC News
Drone strike kills top ISIS leader wanted for 2017 ambush of Green Berets
By Aicha El Hammar Castano and James Gordon Meek
September 16, 2021 Story from US Aicha El Hammar Castano, James Gordon Meek , ABC News
On 20th anniversary of 9/11, questions, anger and death linger
By Bill Hutchinson, Josh Margolin, James Gordon Meek, Jenny Wagnon Courts and Jinsol Jung
September 11, 2021 Story from US Bill Hutchinson, Josh Margolin, James Gordon Meek, Jenny Wagnon Courts, Jinsol Jung , ABC News
'The Longest Shadow': Guantanamo Bay and a new rulebook for a new war
By Lucien Bruggeman, Brad Billington, Alex Hosenball, James Gordon Meek, Evan Simon and Josh Margolin
September 9, 2021 Story from US Lucien Bruggeman, Brad Billington, Alex Hosenball, James Gordon Meek, Evan Simon, Josh Margolin , ABC News
US special operations vets carry out daring mission to save Afghan allies
By James Gordon Meek
August 27, 2021 Story from Politics James Gordon Meek , ABC News
US special operations forces race to save former Afghan comrades in jeopardy
By James Gordon Meek and Matt Seyler
August 22, 2021 Story from International James Gordon Meek, Matt Seyler , ABC News
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