• PREVENTION. Ask my doctor what steps I can take that could reduce my risk of breast cancer.
  • LEARNING. Arm myself with knowledge about my own risks.
  • EXAMINATION. With my doctor, find out when I should get screened for breast cancer, and how often.
  • DENSITY. Have a conversation with my doctor to see if I have "dense" breasts, and which screening approach is right for me.
  • GENETICS. Discuss with my doctor my family history - both mom's and dad's side - of breast cancer, to see what it might mean for my level of risk.
  • EDUCATE. Once I've put these steps into action, "pay it forward" by encouraging friends and family to do it as well.
Click here to learn more about breast cancer.
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  • Learn the facts about breast cancer.
  • Understand my individual risk based on family history. 
  • Find out about the different tools of detection and what is right for me.
  • Talk to my doctor to learn about my breasts, and what ongoing care may be best for me.
  • Know when I should get screened for breast cancer, and follow through on these recommendations. 
  • Start a conversation with the women and men in my life about our breast health.
Click here to learn more about breast cancer.
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