The Note: Amid separation policy controversy, Trump revs up partisan attacks

This is a tense, angry, loud, and messy moment in politics.

June 25, 2018, 6:01 AM

The TAKE with Rick Klein

This is a tense, angry, loud, and messy moment in politics – and a potentially scary one.

It may be perfectly Trumpian, at least so far as the president is concerned. President Donald Trump thrives on chaos and sharp divisions, and sees this moment – peppered with campaign events, even as it tests his administration’s ability to manage itself – as an opportunity to rev up partisan attacks.

Last week’s retreat on the issue of family separations was tactical and temporary. Now come presidential calls to deport illegal border crossers without "Judges or Court cases" and not "allow all of these people to invade our Country," and incendiary images and phrases coming from prominent Trump supporters.

President Donald Trump, accompanied by House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., arrive on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 19, 2018, to rally Republicans around a GOP immigration bill.
Andrew Harnik/AP

With Trump campaigning in South Carolina on Monday, it all sets up an uncertain series of House votes this week on immigration, along with court challenges that could throw the new family-separation policy into further confusion.

Trump says he sees a "red wave" coming. Something is stirring, but first will come intense bureaucratic, legal, and intensely personal dramas.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

Primary voters in seven states go to the polls Tuesday. It's the last big primary day until August.

One of those states voting is Oklahoma, where education funding continues to be a major political issue. Last spring, teacher strikes shut down schools in the state for nine days.

Madeline Jacobson, a third grade teacher in Tulsa, cries and cheers at the state Capitol after walkers from Tulsa arrives at the Capitol, as protests continue over school funding, in Oklahoma City, April 10, 2018.
Sue Ogrocki/AP

Just last week, the Oklahoma State Supreme Court struck down a proposed ballot measure, which would have repealed tax increases (mostly on oil and grass production) the state passed to pay for teacher raises and end the strike.

The justices called the potential referendum misleading.

But the group of Republicans who led the charge to get a repeal vote on the ballot still have a few week to try again.

And some Democrats have quietly wondered if having the measure on the statewide ballot could rally support and help bring voters to the polls.

Candidates have been split on the issue — and not just along party lines. There are a number of Republicans who supported the original bill and did not support the repeal referendum idea.

The TIP with Justin Fishel

The president kicks off this week by once again engaging in South Carolina politics.

He heads to the state Monday to campaign alongside Gov. Henry McMaster.

Last week, Trump tweeted that House Republicans "applauded and laughed" when he ribbed Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., after his primary loss in their closed-door meeting.

But several members of Congress and sources who were in the room have said Trump's comments — calling Sanford "nasty" and saying he wanted to congratulate him on his campaign — fell flat, and were met with silence and a few boos from Sanford's colleagues.

Republican Congressman Ryan Costello of Pennsylvania summed it up this way: "Categorically false."

PHOTO: Rep. Mark Sanford addresses the crowd during a town hall meeting on  March 18, 2017, in Hilton Head, S.C
Rep. Mark Sanford addresses the crowd during a town hall meeting on March 18, 2017, in Hilton Head, S.C.
Sean Rayford/Getty Images FILE

Speaking to ABC News Friday, Sanford, who is well liked on the Hill, said he thought Trump's comments to Republicans about his primary loss were "surreal," but said he doesn't regret any of his criticisms of Trump.

Sanford was ousted by Trump-endorsed state Rep. Katie Arrington, who was seriously injured in a car accident over the weekend.

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., defended Sanford repeatedly on Twitter, and responded to Trump's tweet Friday: "House Republicans had front row seats to @POTUS’s dazzling display of pettiness and insecurity. Nobody applauded or laughed. People were disgusted."


  • President Trump welcomes Their Majesties King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the White House at 2 p.m.
  • The president later travels to West Columbia, South Carolina to join a campaign rally for Gov. McMaster at 7 p.m.
  • The Supreme Court is expected to issue decisions at 10:00 a.m.
  • Defense Secretary James Mattis holds a press event with Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan at Eielson Air Force Base at 2:00 p.m.
  • Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, participates in a discussion hosted by the Heritage Foundation on the importance of congressional oversight.

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    The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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