'The View' weighs in on Sen. Flake's explanation of his dramatic decision to call for an FBI investigation

October 1, 2018, 3:02 PM

On Monday, "The View" co-hosts broke down Sen. Jeff Flake's comments on what led to his decision to call for an FBI investigation last Friday into allegations of sexual misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

In an interview with "60 Minutes," the senator said there was "not a chance" he would have made his last-minute decision at the committee meeting following Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford's hearings, had he been up for re-election instead of retiring from the Senate.

"That should give everybody pause,” said Whoopi Goldberg, “because the idea that you would let a potential monster sit on the Supreme Court because you wanted to get re-elected tells us we have some issues here!"

Judge Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the assault allegations.

Joy Behar said that a lack of term limits in the Senate is to blame. "Orrin Hatch has been there since dinosaurs roamed the earth! That's enough with them!" said Behar.

"The View" co-hosts discuss Senator Jeff Flake's dramatic decision to advocate for an FBI investigation into claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Candice Elle Frank/ABC

In October, Flake announced his plan to retire after his current term ends.

Behar also remarked there was another easily overlooked circumstance that made Flake come dangerously close to not making his ultimate choice.

"What's scary to think that none of this would've happened if Jeff Flake had taken the stairs!" Behar said. In a moment caught on video that went viral, two women found Sen. Flake in an elevator and rebuked his earlier decision to support Kavanaugh's nomination. They also shared their own stories of sexual assault.

"I'm serious — he happened to be in the elevator... he was stuck in the elevator and they got him!" said Behar.

"What Jeff Flake did was such a blessing for this country because he said 'Let's take a step back, let's take a breath,'" Abby Huntsman said. "It's a really healthy thing for all of us to do, to take the politics out of it, if that's even possible, and say 'Is this the right person to be on the Supreme Court?'"