Shop the best boots and other footwear options for hiking

Find a variety of options to wear on your next summer hike.

Purchasing a new pair of boots or shoes for taking on any of the hundreds of beautiful trails across the United States can come with an overwhelming amount of options. Advancements in technology and investment in hiking apparel have led to complex designs, features and advantages in hiking footwear that may leave new buyers frozen with options.

The Washington Trails Association, a nonprofit focused on encouraging exploration and mobilizing hikers, provides guidance for those looking for new footwear as they conquer any number of scenic and challenging trails at America's over 400 national parks and beyond.

The first decision a new consumer needs to make would be between boots and shoes. While boots offer a sturdy base for carrying heavy weight and ankle protection, trail runner shoes are easy to take on and off, are lightweight and dry easier when exposed to the elements.

"Trail runners are basically running shoes that have been beefed up with more aggressive support and traction to deal with the more variable conditions of trails vs. roads," said the association's guide.

The guide also offers hiking shoes as an in-between option between boots and shoes, which are "designed with more structural support and longer-lasting soles."

For an extremely sized down option, the guide suggests sandals or five-toed shoes. While pursuing this option sacrifices ankle protection, according to the guide, some prefer this route for a lightweight option that acts as a barefoot experience.

As for the waterproofing question, the Washington Trails Association guide said waterproofing can be helpful, but also has issues staying effective with wear.

Find a variety of options to wear on your next summer hike here:

Shop the best hiking boots and footwear for the trail

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Hiking boots

Trail Runners

Five-toed lightweight shoes